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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tips on Feline Urinary Tract Infection

By Tina Matsunaga

Boy did I learn a valuable lesson about recognizing the symptoms of a particular health problem for cats. Unfortunately for a gorgeous calico cat, it was too late for an amicable resolution. Therefore, I want to give you some tips I have learned on feline urinary tract infection.

First, the health issue is not limited to female cats. In fact, older male cats are more prone to suffer the painful malady of cat urinary tract infection. With a smaller urethra, it is easier for bacteria to get caught up in the system, along with potential blockages from other illnesses.

Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the symptoms and take your furry friend to the vet without delay, if you notice any of these behaviors:

  • Bloody Urine

  • Strains to go potty

  • Urinates outside the box

  • Licks the area often

  • Seems lethargic

Bloody urine is a classic sign of feline urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, if you are seeing visible signs of blood in the elimination, your cat has probably been suffering for a long time. Even if you cannot see it, a vet can detect microscopic blood cells in the urine. Chances are your kitty has already been exhibiting one or more of the other symptoms for quite a while.

Straining to go potty is not normal. It is not supposed to be like defecating. So, if your cat seems to spend a long time in the litter box, with little sign of elimination, it probably means there is a health problem. In addition, it is not normal to go 10-15 times a day. In people and cats, this is a sure sign of an elimination problem. It is time to check for feline urinary tract infection.

Urinating outside of the box is not normal cat behavior. Generally, kitties like to be clean and neat. So, if your pet has decided to go potty all over the house, in weird places, or maybe even the kitchen sink, it is time to go to the vet. Sadly, your poor cat probably has a feline urinary tract infection and associates the box with pain and misery.

Licking the area around the urethra is common if your kitty is suffering from a cat urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, your pet cannot tell you he or she is in pain. Therefore, the only relief is to lick and clean often. It is up to you to notice when your cat is not acting normal.

Seeming lethargic is not normal in kitties. Sure, they sleep a lot, but that is not what I mean. When you cat seems to have no energy or interest in normal activities, it can be the sign of a big problem. For example, you cat may be suffering from a feline urinary tract infection and not even be tempted by normal play, like chasing a string. Even an older cat usually cannot resist that temptation!

This is the easiest way to determine if your pet is living with a feline urinary tract infection With observation, you can usually tell if a cat is sick. So, if you think your furry family member is hurting, do not delay. You and your cat will both be a lot happier.

Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketers, and professionals around the world. She enjoys working at home while raising 2 children. She holds a BA in English and secondary education from Regis University.

For more information on feline urinary tract infection, visit



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