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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thinking to Become a Cat Owner

By Steve Millerman

There is no point in waiting till next February to begin with your cat's teeth care, as it is your primary duty to care for your cat oral hygiene. In case you are wondering out of 12 months why is February mentioned, it is because two august bodies, The American Veterinarian Medicine Association or the AVMA and the United States American Veterinary dental Society or the AVDS, have decided to do something special during this calendar month.

These two groups tagged what used to be the love month as the cat dental Health calendar month ass they both aim and carry out steps in educating cat owners like you about how to care for the oral needs of your family pets every 24-hour interval. But these groups know how crucial this is for the family pets and their owners. In fact, their desire is to make every month a cat oral health calendar month, for every type of cat you may have.

Did you know that about 85 percent of the old pets have dental diseases? It may also interest you to know that this is one of the largest health-related problems which any cats suffer from, and in case such periodontic complaints are ignored, this could led to more serious outcome. In case such troubles are missed it is likely that the dangerous oral bacteria from the cavities would gradually invade the blood also. As a result, this will infect other major organs that will cause more complications that may lead to your pet's death.

Taking care of the teeth

Cat teeth need to be cleansed everyday, and you have to take this as your duty. This may not be practicable for you to do alone, so get some other household member to open the cats mouth and you can then clean its teeth comfortably. Your cat cat may not find this process very welcoming at the beginning, but it is meant for his own good. As both of you are getting used to the procedure, why not try to use fish-flavored toothpaste to make the task attractive for the cat? It makes sense to be in regular touch with your veterinarian regarding oral care of your family pets. Check whether your cats gum and teeth are clean, and if necessary, use floss to help you with the cleaning job.

It is likely that you do care a lot for your cat, and this time let the care show. Teeth care for the cat should begin at an early age, to preclude future ill health, as the cat ages. If you have endured painful teeth, you can guess what pain the cat must be going through when his teeth have problems. Neglecting proper dental care for the cat could eventually lead to diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys and the liver. Be mindful about your cat's teeth care and just following the above mentioned simple rules will keep your cats smiling all the way into adult age. By doing the necessary actions, you are preparing your family pets to have an easy life as it grows older.

Steve Millerman is a specialist in Cat care. If you want more information about Cat care, visit



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