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Saturday, October 4, 2008

How to Control the Smell From the Litter Box

By Mikael Rieck

You want it somewhere that the kitten can easily get to. If you make in hard to access the kitten will find places that are easier for them to get to, when they need to relieve themselves. Another mistake in litter box placement that most new owners tend to make, is trying to hide the litter box away in a small room. This will actually make the smell worse. Smaller rooms in houses tend to be less ventilated, when there is no air flow it is harder for any of the smell to escape.

After you find the perfect spot it is now time to choose the litter that you plan to use. While some cats have no problem adjusting to a litter switch there are those that rebel and will start using the floor. Try to pick one and stay with it, it makes life less stressful to your cats. The best odor control litters are going to be a little more costly, you have to decide if the little extra money is worth a clean smelling house.

A secret a lot of people discovered is getting a clumping multi cat litter even if you only have the one cat in the household. Any litter that you buy can be made better buy adding a little bit of baking soda to it.

Never wait until the litter box is full before you scoop it. Not only does the waste itself add to the odor of your home, but the longer that it sits there the more of a scent it will leave on the rest of the litter. As soon as you see that your cat had used her box, remove the clump immediately. Drop the clump into a bag (get scented diaper bags. They are cost efficient and take the freshness level one step further.) At least once a day check and make sure that you haven't missed any clumps that the cat may have buried deeper in the box.

Every time that you scoop out a large number of clumps you should add a few cups of fresh littler to the box. Keep in mind that you do not need a large amount of litter in the box at any given time, the more you but in the bigger the mess the cat will make when he or she is digging around. It is a good idea to completely change the littler box once a week taking the time to clean the pan itself before refilling the litter.

Taking a little extra time everyday will ensure that you will keep your cats litter box odor under control. There is no reason to deny yourself or your family the experience of bringing a cat into your home. Having a cat doesn't mean that you have to give up the freshness that is important to you. Cats are very self sufficient, they are easy to litter box train. All you will have to do is scoop and change the litter and you will have a fresh clean smelling home and all the stress fighting benefits of having a cat in your home.

For more free information about pet health issues and to find out how to get cheap pet insurance with a few simple steps go visit

How to Calm Down Your Kitten

By Mikael Rieck

The kitten is tearing up your house, biting your feet, scratching your furniture and running around chasing its own shadow so loud in the middle of the night that you can't sleep. It is ok, before you bring in the priest and try to expel the evil; it is just a stage, it to will pass.

Think of your kitten as a toddler. You would never expect a toddler to sit perfectly still and be constantly calm. In fact if this happened you would probably think something is wrong and schedule a doctor appointment immediately. The same thing should be said about your kitten, it is healthy for a kitten to be playful, if at anytime she starts acting weak or lethargic it is impartitive that you seek veterinarian help immediately.

If you do not have kids yourself, you have seen other parents with their young children at the park, the kids are running around like crazy and the parents are allowing it. It isn't because they are irresponsible parents; it is because they have learned a valuable secret. The more the kids run around the more energy they expel, meaning that they will be tired sooner.

Your kitten is the same way. Play with them, take the time to wear them out and they will be calm when it is time to settle down. Every hour that you are home with your kitten you should commit at least ten minutes do doing nothing but playing with your kitten. Go to the pet store and purchase a toy, or even get a sting and have her chase it. Use your imagination, not only will this time together be a great bonding experience but it will also tire out your little ball of energy.

If your kitten is doing more than being playful, it is important to stop bad and hurtful habits before that kitten grows into a cat. Let's use climbing the curtain as example. If you have tried wearing them out and they are still not breaking the habit of climbing the curtains it is important to take incorporate a punishment. Get a small spray bottle and fill it with water, every time that kitten is one the curtains spray her soon she will associate the bad behavior with the water and she will stop doing it.

As your kitten becomes more at home with your family the wildness with slowly wear off. It is important to let her know that you see that she is behaving. Reward her for lying calmly when it isn't play time. Giving your kitten a treat for being good with make her want to do it more. The most important thing that you can do is remain patient. The kitten is just a baby and does not know how things work. You have to tell her what her boundaries are.

Yelling at your cat is not the answer, they will not respond to it. Let them play and play with them. Much to fast you will have a full grown cat on your hands, and you will be missing the entire cute little kitten things that they use to do. Take responsibility; make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into before you bring the cute little ball of fluff home. More times than not kittens get abandon because the owners weren't prepaid for how to deal with them.

For more free information about pet health issues and to find out how to get cheap pet insurance with a few simple steps go visit

How to Avoid Cat Dental Problems

By Mikael Rieck

Your cat can not get take care of her teeth all by herself; it is your responsibility to see that your cat gets the proper preventive care that they need. What are the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?

More than likely you answered brush your teeth. If it is something that you do for your personal health then your cat needs it too. You should begin brushing your kitten's teeth right away. You can buy feline toothpaste. Ingredients in human toothpaste can be harmful for your kitten so it is very important never to use your toothpaste on your kitten.

Remember that this is a new experience for you and your kitten both. Get the kitten use to brushing her teeth with your finger first (never try to force a feline toothbrush into their mouth at first you may break some teeth. It is important that you brush your kitten's teeth at least three times a week.

If you have an older cat that has never been introduced to the tooth brushing process there is a good chance that they will not take to it if you try to start it now. Tooth brushing is just like any other trick, you will have far more success they earlier that you get started. If you don't see any problems with your adult cat's teeth, call around to your local pet boutiques, a lot of them are starting to offer scraping services. They will clean away any built up tarter on your cat's teeth.

50 percent of cats over three years of age have some kind of dental problems. In order to make sure that your cats dental problems don't turn serious or even deadly; take the time to set up and appointment with your vet. Similar technology that human dentist used are now being used by vets.

Vets can now clean your cat's teeth using a rotary scalar. A scalar cleans the surfaces and just below the gums where most feline cavities occur. After the cleaning that cat's teeth are polished and seal, these steps help to prevent the onset of any dental diseases. Depending on how serious the problem is your vet may suggest surgery in order to repair any problems.

It is easier to understand the importance of proper dental care if you have ever seen a cat that can not eat solid food. There is nothing more pathetic and sad than having to sit back and watch the cat that you love waste away to nothing because they can't eat because of all the pain they are feeling. It is never too late to get your cat back on track with their dental health. Do not be afraid or ashamed to take your cat to the vet. That is what they are there for. You want your cat to be a part of your family for many years to come, do not over look the small health risks that can shorten your cat's lifespan.

For more free information about cat health issues and to find out how to get cheap pet insurance with a few simple steps go visit

Cat Supplies - How to Find the Right Stuff For Your Cat

By Jennifer Akre

There is an overwhelming amount of cat supplies on the market. When you bring home your kitty for the first time, you want to make sure he has everything he needs. Trying to determine which of the thousands of products you truly need, can be a task. While shopping in your local pet store, you can get lost in the isles of the many needed and unneeded cat supplies that fill the shelves.

You should not need to purchase much for your cat, he is pretty self sufficient for the most part. There may be purchases that you want to buy for him, but the list of needed items is pretty short.

What Does Kitty Need?


Of course you will need to purchase cat food. You can find cat food in the dry form or the wet form. In most cases, if you have started feeding your cat dry food, it will become their preference. You will need dishes to put the food and water in, any type bowls will work.

Treats are not needed, but may be wanted for your kitty. Having special treats around for kitty is a good idea for rewards and just to let him know you care.


Your cat really does not require grooming; he will do most of it himself. You can purchase brushes, bath wipes, and even cat shampoo, but they are not needed. You will not give your cat a bath, unless he gets in to something that makes it necessary. There are clippers for his nails for purchase, but you should not attempt this. The over abundance of cat supplies related to grooming can be ridiculous, as cats groom themselves.


There is little training required for your cat. House training only requires a few cat supplies, such as: litter box, litter, and a scoop. Simply by placing the litter box in an area of privacy and showing the cat where it is is usually enough to house train him. There are training pads available for purchase as well, if your kitty needs a little more motivation to use the litter box.


You need to keep your cat entertained and the cat supplies are limitless for this task. There are many toys you can purchase that can be interactive between you and the kitty or that can be used on his own. Little plastic balls with bells in them can keep your cat occupied for hours. The toys section is all geared towards keeping your cat healthy and happy.

A bored cat can lead to a ransacked house, your kitty needs exercise, and chasing a ball or throwing a stuffed mouse in the air will allow him the exercise he needs. Your cat is a hunter by nature and will enjoy having a cat house to play in; he can hide and then plan his attack on your feet as you walk by. You kitty will spend hours working his claws out on a scratching post, and this would be better than on your sofa. When looking at all the cat supplies, choose the ones that are best suited for your kitty, keep him happy and healthy and stimulated for play.

Author Jennifer Akre is an entrepreneur who runs different online specialty stores providing consumers with products and information on how to furnish and decorate any indoor or outdoor space. Whether it's your living, bedroom, or even your deck or patio, there are many tips you can use to make those spots both practical, appealing to the eye, and comfortable for your companion. Today, she offers advice on how to create a fabulous outdoor or indoor area for your pet by using practical cat supplies and soft puppy beds. Either would be a nice purcahse.

Preventing and Treating Cat Urinary Tract Infection

By Einar Eskeland

Cat urinary tract infection refers to a group of symptoms that indicate a bacterial infection in a cat's urinary tract. Some of the most common symptoms are bloody urine, difficulty in urinating (such as straining or minimal urination evident), urinating outside the litter box and an excessive licking of the genitals. This condition might also be known as cystitis or inflamed bladder. This is a potentially serious condition, just as it is potentially a benign condition that will take care of itself. You don't know how severe the condition is until a veterinarian can diagnose the animal.

What causes this disease? Bacteria are usually not present in the urinary tract, so a proliferation of bacteria is what is causing the infection. What causes harmful bacteria to appear? It is often the result of another disease or condition altogether. It could be caused by bladder stones, a chemical urethral blockage, urinary tract cancer, urinary tract trauma, kidney failure, or even from an unknown cause. Cat urinary tract infection is most common in middle-aged cats.

What are the most common symptoms for feline urinary tract infection? Most owners know when their cat is acting strangely and so naturally becomes more observant of the cat's lifestyle, behavior and eating habits. Two of the most telling habits include urinating outside the litter box and showing unusual thirst. Why does your cat, ordinarily a housebroken animal, start suddenly failing to reach the litter box? This is because the cat is associating the litter box with pain, as it is having difficulty urinating because of the condition. Unfortunately for kitty, the only thing that will alleviate its pain is getting antibiotic treatment and changing its eating and drinking habits. You are the perfect person to convince kitty of this needed lifestyle change! (And it's unlikely that kitty will resist your all-powerful arm)

After taking note of the cat's history and any observations you have stated, the vet will be interested in getting a urine sample. Based on this information he or she will instruct you further, perhaps advising you to give the cat antibiotic drugs or even holistic alternatives, if the cat may be too sensitive to stronger medications. However, even if your cat recovers in record time after treatment, there is still much work to be done.

Caring For Kitty After the Vet Visit

After your cat returns home you must watch it and make sure that recovery is not only fast but also for the long-term. You will also be responsible in making some lifestyle and dietary changes. Cats who suffer from feline urinary tract infection will require a higher quality of food, perhaps even a carefully blended diet of necessary nutrients. These may be available at the veterinarian's office or from an online retailer.

A cat will also require lots of water if it is going to recover from this condition. Cats are not as active as dogs and so do not naturally drink as much water. Furthermore, cats are a hunting species that are almost camel-like in their ability to retain just enough water to survive. In fact, ancient hunting felines actually acquired most of their water from hunting prey.

You may have difficulty teaching your cat to drink more water. You have to use your imagination here. Create more opportunity for the cat to drink, whether it is setting up multiple dishes throughout the house, buying a kitty fountain, or giving the cat lots of wet cat food as well as fish or chicken flavored broth along with dry food.

For more help with cat urinary tract infection, including information on treatment and diagnosis, visit

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a Norwegian medical doctor and homoeopath. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, evolution and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.

Got Questions About Cat Urinary Tract Health?

By Einar Eskeland

Do you have questions about cat urinary tract health? Cat urinary tract health usually refers to feline urinary tract disease. This may develop into a serious condition that affects both male and female cats, and usually in the middle age years. (Kittens rarely have such a condition) Urinary tract infection in cats starts with a bacterial infection in and around the bladder and urethra. As the infection spreads it gets progressively worse, when minerals clump together in the urethra preventing urine from passing.

Why does this condition happen? There is no sure explanation for cat urinary tract health problems. It's easy to speculate that bacteria or contamination is the sole cause of the problem, though most vets would look beyond the peripheral. Some common beliefs include that bad diets result in unhealthy pH in the urine, or that a cat is not drinking enough water every day. Other factors may be stress, a lack of exercise, breeding propensity, allergies and obesity.

What are the symptoms to look out for when trying to catch problems with cat urinary tract health? If you see that the cat is having difficulty urinating (as evidenced by small volume) then this is a probable sign. In addition, if you notice your cat licking its genital area excessively or urinating in areas outside the litter box, then you may have reason for concern. You should also be observant as to any changes in the cat's behavior such as decreased appetite, decreased appearances (preferring to "hide") or any blood in the urine. Last but not least, a cat meowing out in pain is obviously very indicative of an internal problem.

What can you do to improve cat urinary tract health? You may have noticed that stress is one of the causes of the condition, and while you wouldn't think that a cat has much stress to worry about (likely your cat doesn't work as hard as Morris the Cat had to during the 1960s) distressing the cat can be problematic. Cats get stressed according to even very subtle changes in surroundings, like severe weather, changes in family dynamics, home relocation, new houseguests, or even new cats they see in the neighborhood.

Water intake is very important. The more water the cat drinks the less the urine stays in the bladder, thus minimizing the risk for infection. However, unlike dogs, cats usually don't like to drink a lot of water. The feline species used to roam the desert and so evolved into almost camel-like creatures that can maintain a stable life with only a minimal amount of water. In fact, hunting cats derived most of their water from eating their prey. The domestic cat is used to eating dry foods and thus do not gulp down water-certainly not enough water to resist urinary tract infection.

What can you do increase your cat's water intake? Canned wet food is good start, as is using ceramic dishes instead of plastic. You should also rinse all of the cat's dishes daily with fresh, clean water. If your cat has more opportunity to drink then it might just take those opportunities, so leave more than one dish of water lying around the house. Some cat owners have even bought more attractive and refreshing kitty fountains just to motivate the cat to drink more.

It is important to visit a veterinarian when you first notice the symptoms so you can proceed with helpful treatment. The vet will give you relevant information on a cat's diet, drinking habits, and any other conditions that might be related to cat urinary tract health.

For more information on diagnosis and possible treatments of urinary tract infections in cats, and optimizing cat urinary tract health visit

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a Norwegian medical doctor and homoeopath. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, evolution and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.

Understanding Feline Abdominal Distension

By CS Swarens

If your cat's abdomen has become larger, it may be suffering from abdominal distension. This term refers to an enlargement of the abdomen that is caused by problems other than obesity. There are actually several possible causes of abdominal distension, with treatment for the condition varying according to the cause of the disorder.

Causes of Abdominal Distention

One possible cause of abdominal distension is the accumulation of fluid. This accumulation can be caused by a number of different health issues. These include:

• Blood from an internal hemorrhage

• Urine from a urinary tract tear

• Exudate, a fluid caused by infection

• Transudates, which are fluids that are leaked from vessels

Abdominal distension can also be caused when an organ becomes enlarged, such as the spleen, liver or kidney. Your cat may also experience abdominal distension due to injury, during pregnancy or due to tension in the abdominal area or other organs.

Symptoms of Abdominal Distension

In addition to having an enlarged abdominal cavity, there are other signs and symptoms (some extremely serious) that are commonly associated with abdominal distension. Some other symptoms your cat may exhibit include:

• Change in urinary habits

• Change in bowel habits

• Decreased appetite

• Diarrhea

• Difficulty breathing

• Diminished activity level

• Loss of fat

• Loss of muscle

• Sudden weakness

• Vomiting

• Wretching

If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, it is important to contact your veterinarian right away so your cat can be examined. Failure to act quickly can lead to an increase in the severity of the condition, unneeded surgery, or even death.

Diagnosing and Treating Abdominal Distension

Diagnosing abdominal distension involves determining the cause. As such, your veterinarian will likely complete a number of different procedures in order to determine the specific problem. These procedures include:

• Abdominal ultrasounds

• Abdominal x-rays

• Abdominocentesis

• Biopsy

• Blood tests

• Chest x-rays

• Physical examination

• Specific tests on organs

• Urinalysis

After determining the cause of the abdominal distension, your doctor will be able to effectively treat the disorder. If the distension was caused by fluid in the abdomen, the fluid will be drained or your veterinarian may choose to administer a diuretic to remove the fluid. If the abdominal distension is caused by organ enlargement, the veterinarian may need to perform surgery to investigate further.

If the abdominal distension is caused by liquid accumulation resulting from diseases such as heart failure or cirrhosis, the veterinarian will need to take steps to treat these diseases while also draining the fluids in order to alleviate the pressure.

Abdominal distension is usually caused by a very serious disease or disorder. Therefore, it is essential for you to seek medical treatment for your cat right away if you notice abdominal enlargement. Quick action on your part to seek treatment will increase the likelihood your precious kitty will get through the disorder safely. Waiting too long, on the other hand, can lead to devastating effects for you and your feline friend.

CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's resource for cats for sale.

Research cat information.

Tips For Feeding Your Kitten

By CS Swarens

If you are the proud owner of a cute and cuddly little kitten, it is important for you to know how to feed it properly. After all, your kitten has to get proper nutrition now so it can grow up to be strong and healthy.

The Mother's Milk

During the first ten weeks of life, it is essential for your kitten to feed from its mother's milk. During this time period, your kitten will also grow substantially. In fact, most kittens weigh around three ounces at birth and they gain ½ ounce every day. By the time they reach the ten week mark, most kittens weigh around two pounds - that is a full ten times what they weigh when born. If the average human baby were to grow this quickly, he or she would be about 80 pounds when just ten weeks old!

Starting Solids

Once your kitten is three to four weeks old, you can start to introduce solid foods. The kitten's mother's milk should still be the primary food source, but solids should be offered as well. Since your kitten still will not have all of its teeth and will have a tender tummy, you should stick with canned foods when first introducing solids. By the time your kitten reaches ten weeks old, you can start weaning it from its mother milk and feed more and more solids.

After Weaning is Completed

Once your kitten is fully weaned from its mother's milk, it is important for you to maintain a properly balanced diet. This includes providing your kitten with protein, minerals and vitamins. If you are purchasing commercial cat food for your kitten, be sure to purchase food that is specifically formulated for kittens. This way, you can be certain it has the proper nutrition density. Some of the most important nutrients to include in your kitten's diet include:

• Calcium

• Essential fatty acid

• Phosphorus

• Vitamin A

• Vitamin D

• Taurine

• Thiamine

• Zinc

Of course, the food you feed your kitten has to taste good. Otherwise, your kitten may turn up its nose to the food and may not get the proper nutrition. If you take steps to provide your kitten with a variety of different foods, this will also help prevent your kitten from growing into a picky eater.

As your kitten grows older, you should also try to vary the types of foods that you feed to it. Rather than feeding only dry food or only canned food, alternate between the two or offer a bit of each type of food each day. You might also feed dry food to your kitten that has been softened with some warm water in order to make it easier for your kitten to eat it. In addition, feel free to feed your kitten as much as it wants to eat up until it is about eight months old. Your kitten is growing quickly and needs plenty of nutrition to help it grow!

CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's resource for kittens for sale.

kitten information.

Bengal Cats - What Makes Them So Popular

By Anne Moss

Quite a few cat breeds boast a wild feline look: Norwegian Forest cats resemble huge arctic feline predators; Pixie Bob cats look a lot like American Bobcats; Abyssinian cats wear the wild agouti coat pattern with pride. In fact, one of the reasons we love cats so much is the distinct uncultivated touch in their appearance and character.

However, not many breeds possess a documented wild heritage like the Bengal does. Bengal cats are indeed direct descendents of Asian Leopard cats (Felis bengalensis), bred along with domestic cats in carefully thought out breeding plans. As such, it is a relatively new breed, not as yet recognized by some major cat breed associations such as the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).

However, it is by no means an obscure or little known breed. As a matter of fact, Bengal cats have fast become one of the most popular breeds around, with Bengal breeders and breeding programs outnumbering those of most other breeds. What made the Bengal such an instant hit in the cat fanciers' world? Here are three things that stand out about this cat breed, which may make you consider turning into a true Bengal cat's aficionado:

Rich Coat - Little Grooming

The Bengal has a smooth rich coat that does not require any out of the ordinary grooming rituals. Some brushing is always recommended, for bonding purposes if nothing else, but the coat remains bright and beautiful even without that additional care. The coat has a distinct "undomesticated" appearance, curtsey of the Bengal's wild heritage, and some cats are said to have an actual golden glitter over their coat.

Variety of Coat Patterns and Colors

Bengals always display the tabby markings pattern, but that does not mean a uniform look. Bengal cats come in various shades of brown, with various yellowish and reddish tinges. There are even white "snow" Bengals that support a light silvery tabby pattern (some of them even have blue eyes). With their tabby patterns ranging between blotched (marble) and spots, the most spectacular Bengal cats present the viewer with a display of leopard-like rosettes. The rosettes, the joy and pride of many a breeder, can be anything from a largish bi-color spot, to a fully developed and clearly marked rosette.

Bengal Purrrsonality

Ultimately, cat lovers seek out the companionship of a feline, and not just good looks. And this is where the Bengal cat truly stands out, creating a huge appeal to ailurophiles everywhere. They are anything but ferocious or feral: Bengal cats today, adopted into loving homes, have to be at least four generations removed from their wild ancestors. These kitties are sweet and loving, yet incredibly agile, intelligent and active. These curious felines tend to explore their surroundings and seek out human interaction at all times.

This unique combination of dazzling looks, idiosyncratic heritage and above all brilliant personality all contribute towards making the Bengal cat one of the most popular cat breeds in North America today.

Anne Moss is a professional cat writer who manages several large cat websites. You can read more about Bengal cats here:

Check out the extensive Bengal cat breeder listings on here:

Have questions about Bengal Cats? Check out the active cat forums at

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