Friday, July 18, 2008

Symptoms of Pregnant Cat - Know What to Do

By W. P. Allen

When owning a cat, it is important to know what the symptoms of a pregnant cat are. When a cat becomes pregnant, pregnancy symptoms are initially noticed at approximately the three week stage of pregnancy. The average gestation period for cats is 63 days.

Listed below is a basic timetable of pregnant cats to enable you to detect the symptoms of a pregnant cat.

• Week 3

The nipples of your pregnant cat will begin to enlarge and be pinkish in color. There will be no signs of swelling in her belly during this period.

• Week 4

It is during this week that your cats belly will begin to swell slightly. The swelling will also be more apparent in her nipples. Your cats' appetite will also begin to increase.

• Week 5

It is advised by many cat experts that you consult your vet for a growth formula. This will satisfy the increased diet of your pregnant cat.

• Week 6

It is by this point that the pregnancy of your cat becomes obvious. The symptoms of a pregnant cat will now include changes in her behavior. She will begin moving around with great care. Stretching and twisting actions will also be avoided by her, and if she generally ventures outdoors, you may find that she will prefer to remain indoors. Her appetite will also continue to increase throughout the sixth week.

• Week 7

The largest symptoms of pregnant cats are their behavior. She will undoubtedly begin to show signs of excitement. This behavior is referred to as "quickening", and it the stage of the cat pregnancy when the fetus begins to move. She will roll and stretch and begin her search for a place to give birth. For this reason, it is advised to keep your cat indoors to ensure that she does not make her nest outdoors.

• Day 61

Labor can begin as early as 61 days after conception and as late as 70 days.

The symptoms during labor will include:

• Stage 1

Your cat will begin to show signs of restlessness, and begin either growling or purring rhythmically. This behavior can last for a few hours or as much as 24 hours.

• Stage 2

She will now begin with the contractions. The contractions may initially be once every 30 minutes or even longer. The contractions will then gradually begin to become more frequent until just before the first kitten is born. The contractions will then occur every 30 seconds. The cat may continue to growl and repeatedly
lick her vaginal area to stimulate the arrival of the remaining kittens.

It can take as long as 24 hours before all of her kittens are born, especially if she is having a large litter. Four is the typical size of a litter for a cat.

Therefore, recognizing the symptoms of pregnant cat is of great importance, to ensure that she remains healthy during the complete process.

Is your cat expecting? Symptoms of Pregnant Cat may signal that you need to get ready for some additional family members!

The Truth About Cats' Safety

By Paul Kramer

Some owners like to train their cats to walk on leash. If you decide to take your feline friend outdoors for a walk, you will need to buy a harness and leash. The leash should be no longer than 3 feet (0.9 m) in length. This will allow you to keep him close to you as you walk.

There are many different styles of harness available, but no matter what type you choose, it must be escape proof and fit securely around your cat so that he cannot wriggle free. Harnesses are sold based on the size and weight of the cat. The one you choose should fit snugly around the body, but it should not be so tight that you cannot slip two fingers between the harness and the cat.

Before you go outside, let your feline companion become used to the feel of the harness around his body. Practice walking him on the leash and harness indoors for a few days or until he is comfortable wearing it. If he becomes upset, take it off and try again later.

It is important that you safeguard your home or cat proof it before your new cat arrives. Cats and kittens are very curious, and they will find hazards that you never even knew existed. If you have never owned a cat before, get down on your hands and knees and look around from your cat's point of view. You will be amazed at what you find. There are many household items we take for granted and use in our everyday lives that can be poisonous or otherwise dangerous to your pet.

Some on the common household dangers include household hazards such as unsecured doors and window screens, let stoves, ovens, dryers, electric appliances, electrical cords, recliners and swivel chairs. Besides that we need to look out for choking hazards such as small objects that are easily swallowed. These items include paper clips, pen tops, rubber bands, thumbtacks, buttons, bones, coins, dental floss, nails, screws and staples.

Toxic plants are also common household dangers for your cats. Some common toxic plants include aloe Vera, baby's breath, daffodil, Easter lily, eucalyptus, geranium, holly, iris, marigold, mistletoe, morning glory, peony, philodendron, poinsettia, primrose, tiger lily, tulip and also dried plural arrangements because they may contain chemical preservatives that are poisonous.

Besides that, cleaners such as laundry detergent, bleach and drain cleaner are also danger to your cats. Besides that, here are several common items that are probably dangerous to your cats or kittens:

- insecticides and fertilizers
- antifreeze, gasoline, paint thinner and mothballs
- drugs and medications (including acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin)
- alcohol
- holiday hazards (including lit candles, glass ornaments, tinsel, ribbons, bows, metal hooks and chocolate)

Keep all hazardous materials away from your cat. Be sure to teach your family members about cat proofing your house and the importance of feline safety. For further information, you can check ASPCA's website for more information on pet safety.

To learn more about cats' safety and the different types of discount pet meds for your dogs, cats, horse, etc., and how to get discount and cheap pet medications, make sure to visit where you will find everything on getting quality yet affordable pet medications as well as tips on how to take care of your pets like the experts.

Symptoms of Cat Diseases - Know the Truth

By W. P. Allen

It is important that you are aware of how to recognize symptoms of cat diseases to ensure that your cat receives the correct medical attention. Many people are surprised to discover that the anatomy of a cat is much like that of a human. Because they have similar organs and body systems to us, their bodies may be affected with diseases that are similar to the ones that we contract. There are in fact, many cases, whereby the diseases are identical.

One example of this is that there is very little difference between cat asthma and human asthma. It may be surprising to know that the same inhalers are used by humans as are used for the treatment of cats with asthma. Likewise, the symptoms of colds in cats are the same as humans.

Because cats have an anatomy containing gall bladder, heart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, stomach, urinary bladder etc they can contract asthma, diabetes when their pancreas malfunctions, heart failure, irritable bowel syndrome when their intestines are inflamed, liver infection or inflammation such as hepatitis, kidney disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, etc. The symptoms of cat diseases are just like human symptoms.

It is of great importance that you, as a cat owner, can identify symptoms of cat diseases while the condition is still early and treatable. This is much better than waiting until it is too late, as I am sure many of you would agree.

Many of the major diseases that cats can get have very similar symptoms. This is especially true when an elderly cat has health problems. However, it is important to remain calm and take your cat to the vet to enable him to match the symptoms with the appropriate disease by undertaking a thorough examination and in most cases a blood test. In some cases it is necessary for the vet to take x-rays, urinalysis, or even an ultrasound. Remember that your cat's chances of recuperation is increased when visiting the vet, as well as the fees that you will have to pay being less rather than if you wait and visit the vet at a later date.

There are really only five things to remember when it comes to the symptoms of cat diseases. These five things are right in front of your eyes. Ask yourself "what are the five things that your cat mainly does?" I think you will agree when I say eat, drink, urinate, defecate, and sleep. These are the five things that you need to monitor. Look out for the following:

• Is your cat eating more or less?
• Is he drinking more or less?
• Is he urinating more or less?
• Is he having more or less bowel movements than normal?
• Has your cat's levels of activity changed?

You should also monitor as to whether he is sleeping more than usual or acting strange when he is awake.

Being aware of the symptoms of cat diseases is vital for the health and happiness of your feline friend.

Symptoms Of Cat Diseases, elderly cat has health problems, major diseases that cats can get

Your cat's health may be in trouble. Symptoms of Cat Diseases may signal something that's terribly wrong. Know what to do and how to respond.


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