Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cat Toys Can Make Your Cat Happy

By Candy Smith

Cats are naturally great hunters this is why they love to pounce or play with many different things. They love to search for things that are crawling or moving. When they see a moving object, they fix their eyes on it and it is going to pounce on it if it gets his attention. This is why many cat owners buy cat toys because they make their pets happy and prevent boredom.

You might notice that a cat naturally turns its eyes on a moving object or a thing that makes sound. And when the object is small, they will really try to pounce on it and play with it endlessly. But when you are buying cat toys, make sure that it is harmless and that it would not cause any injury to the pet.

Some cats may swallow the toy accidentally that is why you should make sure that it would not ruin or injure its digestive system in any way. And it should have sharp edges or harmful substances that may damage your cat's stomach. Some pets even die of severe choking so these are some of the things you should avoid.

If you think that cat toys are expensive, well... think again. Besides, you do not need to buy the costly ones just to keep your cat entertained. You can buy a number of inexpensive toys to keep your cat interested and just rotate the sets from time to time so that your cat would not be bored. Another thing about cat toys is that it will prevent your cat from leaving the house so often.

If you provide them with things to play with, then they would not bother straying away. However, you should also talk them for a walk outside or let them play in the yard once in a while because they also need the sunshine and the fresh air. This will surely make your cats healthy and strong. Moreover, if they get plenty of exercise and if they never get bored, it certainly would not feel anxiety or stress.

There are many kinds of cat toys. Some of these are the lightweight balls, moving mouse figures, rubber balls and even stuffed animals. These are just some of the pet products you can purchase in pet shops and supermarkets. You can search the internet for a wide variety of toys, pet products, and many more. You can also explore or visit the nearest pet shop near you.

To learn more about Cat Toys, Pet Products and other training tips and tricks please visit Pet Shop.

Cat Bathing Techniques

By Ron King

Deciding to bathe a cat is a fairly extreme measure, generally undertaken only when necessary because of fleas or some other problem. Be prepared, be patient and do everything you can to keep you cat calm and to make the ordeal move quickly. Most cats really do hate getting wet and they'll probably respond by hissing, spitting, scratching and doing everything they can to get away.

Before you begin bathing your cat, you will need to gather a few supplies. At the minimum, you will need two absorbent terry cloth towels, a pet safe shampoo, a pet safe conditioner, a sponge, and a sprayer attachment for your sink or tub. If you don't have a sprayer attachment, you should have a pitcher or large cup that you can use to scoop clean water over your cat's body. Ideally, you should also have a non-skid mat to help your cat feel more secure.

If you decide to bathe your cat in the tub, you may have a harder time holding on to him if he becomes frightened. However, it is usually easier to keep him contained if he escapes in a bathroom than in the kitchen.

Place your non-skid mat in the bottom of the sink or tub. Add two to three inches of warm water and gently place your cat in the tub. Talk to him quietly and reassure him. He will most likely settle down within a few seconds. Once he is calm, begin to wet him down. If the sprayer attachment scares him too badly, you may have to pour water over him using your pitcher or cup, instead. Do not pour water on his head. You will clean his face later.

Once your cat is wet enough to shampoo, apply the shampoo with your hand, massaging your cat's fur and talking kindly and calmly to him while you do. Rinsing the shampoo is probably the most difficult part of the bath. It's important you do it thoroughly even if your cat objects, because the residue from the shampoo will irritate his skin.

Now, work a palm sized dollop of conditioner into your cat's coat and then rinse it out. This step is actually optional if the cat has short hair. However, conditioner will not hurt a short haired cat, so, if he is not too upset, you may still want to use it.

Once your cat's body is clean, dampen your sponge and use it to carefully wipe down his face. Pay close attention to the area under his eyes.

The drying stage is usually the easiest. Wrap your cat in a big towel and pat as much excess water out of his coat as you can. When the towel is wet, switch to the other towel and repeat the process until you've got your cat as dry as you can. If you have a long haired cat, you might consider a hair dryer, although most cats are probably going to be afraid of the noise, so don't torment your cat, if he it scares him.

For more info, see Cat tips or Cat Care. Ron King is a web developer; visit his website Authoring Articles

Copyright 2007 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact and the links live.

Cat Eye Care - A Basic Introduction

By Graham Williams

Cats eyes have often been used in horror films. But as a pet owner, you will know that the cats stare is really the complete opposite of what is portrayed in films. That is why cat eye care, is so very important for you to know.

How do cats say I love you? well this is through their eyes, of course. This is why you should never be frightened by there gaze. So how does this work? First of all, the cat stares at you for a long time. And after that, it blinks its eyes slowly. Some people call this the cats kiss. But you should also know that this is your cats way of showing you that it loves you.

But how do you return the favor? This is easy, all you need to do is follow your cats lead. Stare at it for a long time and then slowly blink your eyes. See? Cats eyes have also be used for romantic films as well.

Do not believe the horror films you see. Cats do not and never have had a third eye. Their eye sight is really far better than a humans. Instead of a third eye, what cats have is a third eyelid. This is called a nictitating membrane.

This inner eyelid protects the eyes of the cat from harm and also from dryness. You will always notice that when a cat is sick, this membrane will be some what closed. This should always alarm enough for you to call your vet or get your cat to them fast as possible.

But this third eyelid will also show once a cat is happy. So you will know what kind of mood your cat is in just by looking at the membrane.

You should always observe the pupil of your feline friend. A change in size of one of the pupils can often be an indication of an inflammation. It can also be a sign of a kind of a neurologic, disorder, this is called Horner's Syndrome. Or worse, it can also indicate tumors or injuries in the central nervous system.

Never believe what others say that cats are color blind. They do see some colors. They may not see them as clear as human do, but its not true that they cannot see any colors at all.

Cats can also see clearly over long distances. There vision is very different from peoples. There vision will blurry if they are looking at objects that are very close to them.

Yes it is true, cats do have the nocturnal vision. But they can not see in complete darkness. Do you see the muscles on their iris that surround the pupils of their eyes? They are constructed in a way that it narrows into a vertical split when they are exposed in the bright lights. And it opens fully when they are in a quite dim light.

This feature of the cat may be traced back to their roots. They can use this feature to hunt for food during the night, that is if they were left out in the jungle or left with no one to care for them.

So you must forget about the horror movies that you have seen. Now it is time to put some effort into your cats eye care. Never let a minor ailments worsen. Always call your vet immediately when you think there is something not right or amiss. You do not want your cat to lose their sight or even worse lose their lives. Just remember it is always better to be safe than blind.

Graham Williams is an online author and maintains a site devoted to Caring For Your Cat So if you would like further FREE information on Cat Care Then please visit my site.

3 Ways to Help Stop Your Pet Cat From Scratching Your Furniture

By Dave Nevard

Your cat can make a true mess of your furniture given half the chance and the tragedy behind all your endeavours, is that 99% of the time you won't be around to stop your cat from exercising its claws on the couch. There are numerous methods out there, some being far better than others. Today let's discuss three of the better ones.

1. As ridiculous as this sounds, leave some fresh orange peel scattered on and around the target area. You could go as far as squeezing the peel lightly so as to release some of the oil onto your sofa. If you have ever seen how a cat reacts to citrus fruits then you will understand the effect they have on cats. Even showing a cat an orange will result in its face screwing up and your cat turning around and skulking off.

2. Identify the area most attacked on a regular basis and place a scratching post right next to it. Even go as far as sprinkling it with a little cat nip just so your cat homes in on it rather than the sofa. Catnip is a powerful herb that literally drives cats insane for short bursts. If you have ever seen how a cat acts with catnip then again, you will understand the potential use of this stuff given the right application.

3. Hang a bright yellow or bright green shawl or spread over the whole area, whether you know this or not. Those two colours are danger level 1 as far as the animal kingdom is concerned. Any animal with bright yellow or green is avoided like the plague by other animals. Your cat may be smart but it still follows its mammalian instincts.

Why does my cat scratch the furniture? It is an all too familiar sight. The answer is not always clear but with the right cat training tips positive changes in your cats behaviour will begin to appear.

The Perfect Guide to Feed Your Cat

By Paul Kramer

There are many different types of pet food on the market. New cat owners may be overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right type. The most important factor to keep in mind when making a choice is that the food is a good quality brand and contains all the necessary nutrients.

Kittens and adult cats have different feeding requirements, so it is important that you provide your pet with a balanced and healthy diet for his life stage. Growing kittens need two to three times more calories than adult and senior cats. They also need more fats, proteins, vitamins and taurine in their diet. The best way to ensure that your kitten is receiving the proper amount of nutrients is to feed him food especially designed for him. Kitten formula should be clearly marked to indicate that it is 100 percent nutritionally complete and balanced for growing kittens. They should be fed this formula until they reach one year of age.

Adult cats do not need the high calorie food that kittens do, and feeding them this food will make them fat. In addition to the regular types of cat food on the market, there are many specialty formulas available for adults. Pet food manufacturers have created specialty foods for dental care, hairball control, senior cats, overweight cats, cats with urinary tract problems, and even indoor cats.

If you change brands or flavors of cat food, do it gradually. Cats are very sensitive to change especially when it comes to food and if you suddenly change their diet, they may refuse the new food or develop stomach upset. To compromise with your cat and get him accustomed to his new food, slowly incorporate in into his regular brand. Each time you feed him, increase the percentage of the new brand while decreasing the percentage of the regular food. Here's how:

- On days 1 and 2, mix 3/4 of the regular food with 1/4 of the new food.

- On days 3 and 4, make a 50/50 blend of the regular food and new food.

- For the next 3 days, mix 3/4 of the new food with 1/4 of the old brand of food.

- From then on, serve only the new brand of food.

This gradually change will allow your cat to adjust to the diet change comfortably. If he is resistant, slow the change by increasing the time between each step. Depending on the cat, this process could take from 7 to 14 days.

To learn more about how to properly feed your cat and the different types of cheap pet meds for your dogs, cats, horse, etc., and how to get discount and cheap pet medications, make sure to visit where you will find everything on getting quality yet affordable pet medications as well as tips on how to take care of your pets like the experts.

Tips to Know About Your Kitten's Care

By Jovan Johnson

Caring for your kittens care is a very important thing and there are some things that you will have to learn about the well being of your kittens care. Before you get a cat make sure you educate yourself, there are a lot of cat training books out there (check out my recommendation). Here are some tips that every cat owner should know.

Kittens care tips:

Litter box

  • Choose a litter box that is not to big or to small
  • Do not buy cheap dusty litter
  • Make sure that there is enough litter in the litter box (use a safe, non-toxic, non-lumping, non-scented litter for now)
  • Clean the litter box once a day, preferably after each movement.
  • Change the litter every 1 1/2 weeks

Litter training

  • Kittens can use the litter box after 4 weeks old (if you have a mother cat then your kitten will follow its mother)
  • Be sure to place the kittens in the box after each meal (take the kittens' paws and rub them in the litter)
  • Place the kitten in the box 30 minutes after play or meals.
  • Stimulate interest in the litter by stirring it
  • Let the kitten jump in and out of the litter ( do not restrain him)
  • Place your box in a quiet place, that is not busy

Cat proofing

  • Cats enjoy batting around cords from hanging blinds (don't allow this because your cat will choke himself)
  • Do not leave jewelry around, like earrings or small chains
  • Make sure all electric cords are not visible
  • Be very careful if you have a lot of plant (a lot of them are poisonous)
  • Kittens love to climb and scratch so make sure you cover you furniture

Get a cat training book

Here's a great cat training book I strongly recommend. if your serious about cat training and want ot learn how to train your cat then check out this cat training book


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