Thursday, September 25, 2008

Learn How to Train a Cat With the Best Cat Training Techniques

By Wayne Hagerty

Have you ever thought or ask the question 'what is the best technique on How to Train a Cat?

You have probably heard the answer 'you can not any way possible train a cat!'. I realize that having the thought how to train a cat may seem out in space some were, but evidence to imply that cats actually can be trained and it really is easier than you may have thought.

The very first issue many cat lovers face when figuring out how to train a cat and the way they train their kitty cat forgetting that your cat is not a dog!

Lets start by saying that dogs are completely different with a different social structure along with a unique brain to go along with many other differences that separate cats from doges.

Most dogs learn from repetition along with receiving dog treats for encouragement and so the main component to dog training is the fact that they are social animals and thrive in proper environments.

Now how to train a cat they are not concerned what you think and go about their business however they want. The only truth most people realize that when trying to train a cat is people learn fear which is is not a good thing at all.

Now first off you never want to use a penalty with your kitty, some dogs may be reprimanded by the pack leader, and that may work, during the process of how to train a cat, your feline friend very simply not trust you from that point forward.

Ok so what is the best method on how to train a cat? You need to discover what cats tend to respond to? The simple answer to the question is that cats seem to respond to what works well for them, anything that does not fit may be avoided.

Remember to be positive with you cat and appeal to his or her natural instincts during the how to train a cat process, instead of combating against it and success will soon come your way.

Time Sensitive Report Reveals 'Fail-Proof' Cat Training Secrets Exposed - Techniques Thousands of Cat Lovers Use To Learn How To Train a Cat. You Can Teach Your Kitty Cat To Behave, Follow Directions and be The Happy Feline You Always Dreamed Of! Click Here -

Love Your Cat(s), Because Who Can Only Own Just One!

By Karen Mckee

Hello cat owners! I thought I'd start my first article off with some fun generally known facts about cats. If you have a cat (or more) you may already know these, but here I go. Did you know that a cats whiskers act like sensors. If a cat sticks it's head into an opening, and they can feel the sides of the opening with the tips of the whiskers, they know that their bodies won't fit and therefore will get stuck! Did you also know that if you hold a cat on their back and let them go, they will land on their feet! Hubby and I tried this with our cat when she was small (over the bed), and sure enough, she landed every time on all fours!! Needless to say this was cheap entertainment for all three of us that evening. A cat's tail acts like a rudder on a boat, in that it helps maintain balance and stability on such things as railings, and tree branches. It is used like a gymnast uses their arms on the balance beam. Neat, eh?

Also, cats eyesite is better that ours at night. Since they are nocturnal by nature, they sleep all day and are awake most of the night. The reason being is if they were outside and needed to hunt for their food they can do this with their incredible night vision. I'm told that they only see in black and white (whether this is true or not I'm not sure).

Cats also have scent glands located on different areas of the face. The cheeks, eyes, and sides of the head. They rub up against objects and put their "scent" on these items so they know that they are theirs. (Ever see your cat rubbing up against the grocery bag as soon as you set it inside the door?); well, s/he is saying "this is mine." The cats "domain" is primarily the floor of your home. They prowl this area constantly, and as soon as there's something on the floor that wasn't there ten minutes ago is now "fair game" in their territory. Usually they sniff, then rub the object with their "sensors" to make it theirs, then they lay on it to protect it. This happens to me all the time. It's particularly cute when I'm trying to wrap Christmas or birthday presents for the grandchildren on my living room floor.

Here are just a few fun facts that I've learned over the years as a cat lover. I hope you find them as amusing as I do.

Karen Mckee - proud pet owner of Misty

My Old Cat and Me

By Joseph Devine

There has never been a time in my life when I did not have a cat at home. It is very rewarding being a cat owner, because the friendship you can develop with your cat is much more than most pets. A cat can live anywhere between 15-30 years with good care and lots of love. However, it is the later years when you need to be extra vigilant and observant of your cat's health.

Some signs to watch for are decreased capacities in hearing, seeing, tasting, and smelling. If you notice that your cat does not respond to your voice as it used to, this could be a sign of hearing loss. If your cat seems to run into things or is disinterested in its food, these could be signs of loss of sight, taste, or smell. Often times, cats lose their ability to differentiate being hungry or thirsty, which can lead to dehydration and weight loss. Teeth can fall out, vomiting and difficulty swallowing, arthritis, and labored breathing are all symptoms that can occur in a geriatrics cat.

Although it can be difficult watching your cat age, just like any member of your family, there are steps that a pet owner can take to make that last years of their cat's life more enjoyable and comfortable for their pet. For example:

· Maintaining a health diet-although eating enough is important, you should cut back on the amount of calories so that your cat does not become over weight. Also, instead of staying on a dry cat food diet, give your elderly cat the good stuff, moist and warm cat food is what will help your cat regain some of its smelling and tasting senses

· Regular health check-ups-have your vet check your pet at least twice a year, this way increasing the chance that a disease or ailment can be caught early and perhaps be prevented

· Examining daily habits of pet-check your pet's drinking, eating, and bathroom habits to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary, and that nothing is changing.

· Good preventative medicine-make sure to keep giving your cat worming medicine, tooth brushings, and skin treatments

· Plenty of exercise-although your cat may not want to get up from his warm bed, you should make your pet get and about each and every day to keep their muscles strong, their digestive track moving, and their minds working.

Keeping in mind the difference between people and cat years, it is important to start these new life style habits by the age of ten. This will make their older years happier, healthier, and longer.

If you would like more information about cat health or, contact the Philadelphia veterinarians by clicking here.

Joseph Devine

Cat Types

By Joseph Devine

Searching for the perfect cat? You could go from pound to pound, hoping to get lucky. You might try a breeder. There are also adoption centers that you can go to. Whatever method you choose to try to find the right cat for you, it is important that you know more about what kind of cat you would like.

For the most part, domesticated cats are alike. However, this is like saying that most people are alike, or most dogs are alike. It may be true in certain ways, but there are small differences that may mean everything to you. This is why it is important that you do a little bit of research into different types of cats.

There are many different breeds of cats, with registries recognizing between 30 and 40 different breeds. Having so many different kinds of cats to choose from can be a daunting prospect. You may wonder how you'll ever know what kind of cat is right for you. However, having so many different breeds of cats to choose from allows you to really figure out what will work best for you and/or your family.

While there are so many different breeds, there is often a lot of cross-breeding as well. For this reason, many people simply refer to cats as either domesticated long-haired or domesticated short-haired. While this certainly makes it easier to recognize a breed, it tells you nothing about the cat's nature.

Often, to distinguish cats a little bit more, they will be classified by their coats. They may be bicoloured, tuxedo, or van patterned. Bicoloured cats have coats of two different colours. While tuxedo cats are technically bicoloured, they are black with white chests to look tuxedoesque. For this reason they are given their own sub-set. The van pattern is where the cat is of a solid colour except the tip of the tail and the top of the head.

There are also tabby cats, tortoiseshell cats, calicos and colourpoints. Tabbies can have coats that look like a number of things. They can have vertical stripes, blotches or even spots. A tortoiseshell cat has red and black fur splotched all over its body. If there are additional white spots, it is a tortoiseshell and white. Calicos are basically tortoiseshell and white cats with a lot of white, making it look tri-coloured. The colourpoint coat is generally reserved for Siamese cats since they all have that coat, but it can be on any cat.

If you would like more information about different kinds of cats, you should contact your local Phoenix veterinarian clinic at

Joseph Devine

Cat Furniture - There Are Many Awesome Options For Your Furry Friend

By Jennifer Akre

Pet furniture is a vast industry these days, with an assortment of products. Many of the traditional pieces are still quite common place, however many new products are being introduced everyday for cat lovers. In fact, apart from the products that are strictly used as toys to entertain or comfort products, there are many different types that you could choose from.

A lot of cat furniture is used to train your cat. Perhaps the most common of these products is the scratching post. Scratching posts are probably the most common furnishing purchased, especially for first time cat owners or new owners of kittens that are in need of training. Scratching posts are used to train your cat to use it to scratch instead of scratching your home's furniture. Many people have issues with trying to get their cat to use it, don't worry, this happens a lot and there are a lot of solutions to remedy it.

In order to get your cat used to the cat furniture and stop using other things around your house, follow these steps. First you're going to have to familiarize your cat with it. One technique is to you yourself show the cat how to use, for example, the scratching post. Simulate the function of using it by scratching with your own hands. When the cat sees you using it, it may take after you and follow suit. This technique has been very successful for many cat and cat furniture owners. If that doesn't work and your cat still continues to ignore or misuse it there are other options that you could take advantage of too.

Many people suggest getting rid of those industry standard cat furniture pieces that are commonly made from materials that feel and appear very mundane. Replace these for wooden scratching posts or another material that isn't so much like the furniture you're trying to get your cat to stay off. Finally if this doesn't work, it has also been suggested that simply rubbing catnip or a special treat you know your cat enjoys on it so hopefully it will attract your cat and encourage it to use it.

Pet furniture manifests itself in many different shapes and sizes. One option that is widely popular among cat owners is the cat tree. The cat tree is a tree shaped climbing apparatus that cat uses to climb just like he would outside instead of, again, climbing on your homes furniture. Lastly, before buying anything always remember to take all considerations into account including your cat's breed, size and special needs. Also, bringing your cat with you when shopping for it might prove beneficial, hopefully your cat will gravitate towards a particular piece in the store.

Remember it's not about you, as long as you do your research and ensure the cat furniture is safe for your cat the only other thing to worry about is whether or not your cat is happy. And if he or she is purring away using it, then you know that he or she is.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of different niche online stores like that offer customers not only products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating indoor and outdoor living spaces. Whether you want to redecorate your living room or create the ultimate outdoor environment perfect for entertaining, there is a lot of helpful advice to take advantage of to make it happen. Today, she shares her insight when investing in essential cat furniture and sturdy dog furniture for your furry friends.

Interesting Cat Facts

By Doris Canova

Domestic cats are the only variety of the cat family that can have their tails vertical when walking. Wild cats, like lions and tigers, walk with their tails horizontal or between legs. When a domestic cat walks with its tail vertical, it indicates that he recognizes whoever or whatever is near.

Another interesting fact about cats is that cats never employ meowing to communicate with each other. Domestic cats descended from solitary creatures. Being solitary and hunting alone by nature, they have a limited set of communication skills for confrontation. Especially lacking is body language.

Some misconceptions that a lot of people have about cats are that they always land on their feet. This idea is not true. Another misconception is that they have nine lives. They definitely do not. This last belief may have come about because often a cat does land on its feet and can appear to have "nine lives" but definitely not always.

Kittens born to non-hunting mothers may never learn to hunt (except maybe for yarn and some old socks to play with). Kittens are born with both eyes and ears closed. With a new born kitten's eyes open, they are always blue at first, changing color over a period time. Kittens will purr to their mother to let her know they are getting enough milk while nursing and also to let their mother know they are nearby and everything is ok. Adult cats purr to let others know they are friendly and not a threat. Purring is a process of inhaling and exhaling, usually performed while the mouth is closed.

The myth that black cats are bad luck especially if they cross your path persists but it is just that, a myth which seems to have originated in the United States. This myth is believed to have originated with the Salem witch hunts although it is not known for sure.

Everything about cats is fascinating. In doing research for this article, I learned a couple of things I didn't know before and I thought I knew a lot about them. I hope this article has been informative for you as well and helps with understanding the feline.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cat for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very intertaining and fun.

Please visit our site today for a wide array of products that will make "His Majesty" very happy - or our blog for more information -

Keeping a Persian Cat As a Pet

By CS Swarens

There are numerous breeds of cats for a cat-lover to choose from, but the most popular of all of the breeds is the Persian cat. The long fur and the regal persona of the Persian are the two main reasons why so many people seem to adore these affectionate and laid back cats.

The History of the Persian

Persians came to North America in the late 1800s and it didn't take long for them to become the favorite breed of cat lovers. At the same time, the cat was very popular in the UK and was the most commonly represented breed at the London Crystal Palace's first cat show. In the early 1900s, the Persian was already the most popular cat breed in the UK.

Before being introduced to North America and gaining popularity in the UK, however, the ancestors of the modern-day Persian were part of the Roman and Phoenician caravans that traveled to Europe. While traveling from Turkey and Persia, the cats were introduced to Europe in the late 1500s. These early ancestors later developed into the Persian and Angora breeds that are known to cat lovers today.

Recognizing the Persian Cat

Persians are one of the most easily recognizable of cat breeds, thanks to their long and full fur. The fur of the Persian tends to be quite thick and glossy, which helps it stand off from the cat's body and gives its body a rounded look. While many think of Persians as having white fur, the breed can actually be found in a variety of different colors.

One of the other distinctive features of the Persian is its face. The breed actually has two different facial types, but both include rounded ears that are small and set low on the cat's head. Persian's also have round, wide eyes and their chins are well-developed. The cheeks of Persian's are also full. Depending upon the face type, some Persians will also have a flattened look to their face. With these Persian's, the nose will be almost as high as the cat's eyes.

The Persian's Personality

Persian's have a very laid-back personality and are not as active as many other breeds. In fact, they tend to be lap cats that are very sweet-tempered and gentle. Still, they do enjoy playing for short periods of time. In addition, they crave attention and love to be cuddled and pet by their owners. They also tend to be very devoted, but demand a great deal of attention. For most pet owners, providing attention to these gentle cats is not a problem. Maintaining proper grooming, on the other hand, can be difficult!

Grooming the Persian

Persians have long and pretty fur that can be up to 8 inches long, which means it can easily become knotted and problematic if it is not properly cared for. If a pet owner neglects the Persian's fur, it can form into tight mats that need to be shaved. In order to prevent this, it is important to groom your Persian's fur for ten to fifteen minutes every day and to perform a more thorough grooming once a week.

CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's resource for cats for sale.

Research over 45 cat breeds.


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