Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cat Furniture - There Are Many Awesome Options For Your Furry Friend

By Jennifer Akre

Pet furniture is a vast industry these days, with an assortment of products. Many of the traditional pieces are still quite common place, however many new products are being introduced everyday for cat lovers. In fact, apart from the products that are strictly used as toys to entertain or comfort products, there are many different types that you could choose from.

A lot of cat furniture is used to train your cat. Perhaps the most common of these products is the scratching post. Scratching posts are probably the most common furnishing purchased, especially for first time cat owners or new owners of kittens that are in need of training. Scratching posts are used to train your cat to use it to scratch instead of scratching your home's furniture. Many people have issues with trying to get their cat to use it, don't worry, this happens a lot and there are a lot of solutions to remedy it.

In order to get your cat used to the cat furniture and stop using other things around your house, follow these steps. First you're going to have to familiarize your cat with it. One technique is to you yourself show the cat how to use, for example, the scratching post. Simulate the function of using it by scratching with your own hands. When the cat sees you using it, it may take after you and follow suit. This technique has been very successful for many cat and cat furniture owners. If that doesn't work and your cat still continues to ignore or misuse it there are other options that you could take advantage of too.

Many people suggest getting rid of those industry standard cat furniture pieces that are commonly made from materials that feel and appear very mundane. Replace these for wooden scratching posts or another material that isn't so much like the furniture you're trying to get your cat to stay off. Finally if this doesn't work, it has also been suggested that simply rubbing catnip or a special treat you know your cat enjoys on it so hopefully it will attract your cat and encourage it to use it.

Pet furniture manifests itself in many different shapes and sizes. One option that is widely popular among cat owners is the cat tree. The cat tree is a tree shaped climbing apparatus that cat uses to climb just like he would outside instead of, again, climbing on your homes furniture. Lastly, before buying anything always remember to take all considerations into account including your cat's breed, size and special needs. Also, bringing your cat with you when shopping for it might prove beneficial, hopefully your cat will gravitate towards a particular piece in the store.

Remember it's not about you, as long as you do your research and ensure the cat furniture is safe for your cat the only other thing to worry about is whether or not your cat is happy. And if he or she is purring away using it, then you know that he or she is.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of different niche online stores like that offer customers not only products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating indoor and outdoor living spaces. Whether you want to redecorate your living room or create the ultimate outdoor environment perfect for entertaining, there is a lot of helpful advice to take advantage of to make it happen. Today, she shares her insight when investing in essential cat furniture and sturdy dog furniture for your furry friends.



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