Saturday, November 8, 2008

How to Tell If Your Cat is Sick

By John Sommer

It is very important for you to be close to your cat. Know what their normal everyday habits are. Pay attention to how much they eat and how often.

It is important to know these things, because if you don't know them you will not be able to realize if something is wrong and they are acting differently.

If you have a cat that is normally overactive and even somewhat hyper and then one day they just lie around and do nothing there is a good chance that there is something bothering your pet.

Do You Know The Symptoms?

Knowing the symptoms of certain feline illness is also a deciding factor of getting your cat help in time or losing them to a possible disease.

For example knowing that weight loss, frequent vomiting, and increased thirst and urination are all symptoms of feline diabetes would enable you to get them the help they need before it is too late.

Your cat can not tell you that something is wrong. They can't walk up to you and say "I am just not feeling right today." It is your responsibility to take care of them and to know when they are not feeling like they should be.

Pay attention to your cat's liter box, if you ever see that your cat is having problems relieving themselves, than you know there is something wrong.

Checking The Litter Box

If you see that your cat is in the litter box more or less often these are also signs of possible illness. When it is painful for your cat to use his box he will become irritated and his personality will change for the worse. All of these are subtle little changes and it takes a watchful eye to pick up on them.

A cat's coat, nose or eyes are also telling symptoms of problems. A cat's fur is just a reflection of what is going on, on the inside. Their fur should be healthy looking and thick. If you notice that your cat is losing a lot of hair at once or suddenly has bald spots then you need to take them to the VET immediately as these can be signs of almost every problem a cat can have.

If your cat has more eye or nose draining than normal there is something wrong also. If the cat looks like he has been crying have the vet check out his sinus. It is just a mild problem as opposed to kidney failure which also shows through the leaking eyes and runny nose symptoms.

When brushing your cat make a special point out of feeling along the cat's limbs. Any new bumps or lumps could indicate cancer. If there are changes like these then it is better to let your vet determine how serious they are and what risk it inflicts on your cat.

It is very important that you are not too embarrassed to talk to your vet. Never feel like you are over reacting, your vet is there to help you and your pet. They understand that it is better to be safe than sorry. If you live by that motto, than your cat should live a long healthy life.

No matter how old your cat is they are still like newborn babies. If you had any reason at all to think your new baby was sick you wouldn't hesitate to take it to the doctor at every little cough or sneeze.

By thinking like this you create the difference between whether a sick cat recovers or dies. Taking the time to connect with your cat, and paying attention to it will not only build a strong unbreakable bond between the two of you, it could also save a life.

John Sommer is a successful consultant and publisher of The VIP Pet Insurance Guide. He provides valuable reviews of all the major insurance companies and VPI Insurance in general. You can research everything in your pajamas on his website.

Attacking Ankles

By Doris J Canova

Attacking ankles and sudden biting are most often associated with your cat's aggression but there may be a reasonable explanation. Cats have a strong natural desire to hunt and they are taught by their mother how to do it. Now here is where the problem starts. Inside the house, there isn't much to satisfy this desire to hunt. Mice, fleas, bugs of all sorts, spiders and the like are all that the cat has to hunt, and other attractive prey are scarce indoors.

They have to make do with what they have so that may mean that they will hide out and when you least expect it, with attacking ankles and other moving body parts of their human counter parts. In some cases you can provide an appropriate toy to help him with the problem of wanting to hunt something. Remember that cats have this urge to hunt instilled in their being. So when you walk by he may see you as a target, and well attacking ankles is just fun to him.

Toys that work in a lot of cases are furry balls on a string, wand, or attached to a small fishing rod for efficient "casting" and interesting motion as it is reeled in. There are other things you could try like a wind up mouse or a battery operated toy that moves on its own. If your children have a radio controlled car and your cat is not afraid of it that may work to satisfy the urge to hunt. Some people just tie a toy on a string and drag it thru the house so that the cat will attack the object and making it a better target in stead of attacking ankles to bite at.

These activities will also give the cat a lot of exercise which is a good release of pent up energy, and will be especially beneficial if you just happen to have a kitten. Most cats will outgrow this behavior by the time they are a couple of years old. They are much better if given other objects to attack and can get enough exercise. If your cat doesn't respond to any of these suggestions, it might be a good idea to consult with your vet and see if they may have an idea as to why this is still going on and what can be done to stop the cat from attacking ankles.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

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