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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bloody Urine and Your Cat's Health

By CS Swarens

Have you noticed blood in your cat's urine? If so, it is important for you to take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible for a thorough examination. There are many potential causes of bloody urine, with some of them being potentially fatal. Therefore, receiving prompt treatment is essential to your feline friend's long term health.

What Causes Blood in a Cat's Urine?

There are many different illnesses and problems that can lead to blood in a cat's stool. Some of these include:

• Bacterial infections in the genital tract or the urinary tract

• Cancer in the genital tract or the urinary tract

• Clotting disorders

• Exposure to poison, such as rat poison

• Stones in the urinary tract

• Parasites in the urinary tract

• Problems with medication

• Trauma

• Urinary tract abnormalities that have been present since birth

• Vaginitis

What are the Effects of Bloody Urine?

While bloody urine can be a sign of illness, the bleeding can actually lead to additional problems for your cat if it is not properly treated. For example, your cat may develop anemia because of the blood loss. This could then cause your cat to become weak and to collapse. Your cat may also have difficulty with urinating, may strain to urinate or may only be able to pass small amounts of urine at a time.

How Will the Vet Diagnose the Problem?

If you notice blood in your cat's urine or if it seems to be exhibiting any of the problems associated with bloody urine, your vet will need to perform a series of tests in order to determine what is causing the problem. Tests that are typically performed include:

• Abdominal x-rays

• Clotting profile, which will include a count of platelets

• Complete blood count

• Vaginal smear examinations

• Serum biochemistry test

• Ultrasound of the abdomen

• Urinalysis

• Urine culture

• X-ray studies using contrast die

After completing these tests, your veterinarian will likely be able to determine what is wrong with your cat and will be able to properly treat the problem.

How is Bloody Urine Treated?

Since bloody urine can be brought on by a number of different causes, the treatment method will depend upon what caused the problem to occur. If the blood was caused by a bacterial infection, for example, your veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic and will then monitor your cat's health. If the blood was caused by stones, on the other hand, your veterinarian may recommend dietary changes. You may also need to administer certain vitamins or put your cat on a fluid treatment program in order to make sure it is properly hydrated and receives the nutrition it needs to fend off its illness.

Regardless of the treatment plan prescribed by your veterinarian, it is important for you to be certain to administer all of the medication as prescribed and to follow the veterinarian's treatment plan. This way, your cat can heal as quickly as possible and will be back on the road to good health!

CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

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