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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Tips to Improve Cat Urinary Tract Health

By Tina Matsunaga

I do not know about you, but I will bet your cat is an important member of the family. Most pet lovers feel like they have a companion or even a baby. In fact, some people treat their cats better than other parents treat their children. No joke! Our pets are wonderful. Unlike people, they are never judgmental and they are fiercely loyal. However, one big problem is universal. Our beloved furry friends cannot articulate when they do not feel good. So, in answer to one of the common maladies, here are more tips to improve cat urinary tract health.

  • Always have fresh water

  • Provide the right food

  • Keep the litter pan clean

  • Be proactive

  • At the first sign of trouble, see a vet

I am sure there are even more ways to ensure cat urinary tract health, but in my studies, these five items are paramount, leaving no room for debate.

Always have fresh water available for your feline. Although it may be easier to get a larger bowl and fill it less often, it can be harmful to your friend. Food crumbs get in the water, and stale water tends to grow bacteria. Not good.

Providing the right food will also help prevent urinary tract infection in cats. I know it does not make sense. However, kitten chow has a lot of extra nutrients that a grown cat does not need. In fact, instead of keeping kitty healthy and strong, cat urinary tract health can be compromised. Instead, it is important to provide the right food for the age group, with no chemical additives to muck up his or her plumbing-literally.

Keep the litter pan clean to help prevent bacteria from hurting your cat. If necessary, clean the box 2 or 3 times a day, or purchase one of those automated litter pans that scoops the mess away. In addition, personal experience teaches that kids are not always the greatest at keeping the kitty box clean. Although the surface stuff may be gone, foul waste is just below, waiting to plague your cat.

Be proactive, especially if your kitty is prone to having urinary problems. In addition to keeping a clean box and plenty of clean water, here are a few things that might also help improve cat urinary tract health, and hopefully prevent a repeat infection:

  1. Cantharis pellets

  2. Vitamin C

  3. Cranberry Juice

  4. Home Cooking

  5. The sneak attack

Cantharis pellets given 2 at a time, 2 or 3 times per day, is said to be a homeopathic way to reduce the pain associated with urinary problems. However, after reading about the source of the pellets, I will ask a vet before giving a dose.

Vitamin C is great for colds. Surprisingly, it is also credited with improving cat urinary tract health. However, it is important to monitor the cat before settling on a regular amount. Two much of a good thing will cause diarrhea. But, to work properly, giving as much as the cat can safely tolerate will be most advantageous.

Cranberry juice is also good for kitties! Actually, I should not be so surprised. Doctors have recommended the same natural preventative for people. For some reason, infection causing bacteria clings to the juice, to be flushed with the urine. However, does a cat even like juice? If your pet has trouble with urinary infections, it is worth a try.

Home cooking is another option for pets having questionable cat urinary tract health. Commercial brands often have chemical additives that may be upsetting your kitty. Therefore, some pet lovers are opting to provide home-cooked options. After all, in the good old days, pets ate the same food as the family.

The sneak attack is an additional resource for getting extra liquids in the diet. Since you cannot explain the importance of drinking a lot, for optimal urinary tract health, it may be necessary to get a little sneaky. For example, soak some food in chicken broth. Even a finicky feline ought to love this yummy treat.

In conclusion, it is up to you to take a proactive approach to cat urinary tract health. If your kitty is prone to infections, it is important to prevent as much pain and misery for your kitty and you.

Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketers, and professionals around the world. She enjoys working at home while raising 2 children. She holds a BA in English and secondary education from Regis University.

For more information on cat urinary tract health, please visit



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