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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Helping Cats Adapt to New Babies in the Home

By Connie Limon

There are usually three major concerns of new or expectant parents when it comes to mixing pets with their family. Those are:

• How to prevent pet behavior problems when the baby arrives

• How to introduce the baby to the family cat

• How to keep the baby safe around the cat

It is not uncommon for pet owners to assume jealousy is the cause of problem behaviors associated with the arrival of a new baby; however, this is not always the case. Cats become stressed by significant alterations in the environment. Family interactions between each other can cause distress for the cat. Stress is usually the main cause of the problems. The following changes all affect the cat:

• Changes in feeding

• Changes in exercise routines

• Changes in play schedules

• Changes in what the cat is allowed or not allowed to do

• Changes in how the pet gets attention

• Inconsistencies in the way the owner interacts with the pet

• New structures and odors in the home

All the above can lead to problem behaviors in the cat.

Cats do not instinctively know how to act around children. Children need to learn to interact with cats as well. Most cats accept the new arrival without a lot of fuss; however, there are always exceptions to this rule. Some cats will not accept a new baby in their family. In addition, cats can be unpredictable around children. Their behavior can range from total avoidance to intense interest. There is good news in that most problems can be avoided with some forethought, planning and training.

The number one rule to follow is: Limit the amount of changes the cat will have to experience because of the new arrival.

Cat's reactions to babies can be:

• Adapts quickly to the new baby either by ignoring it completely or seeking baby out for investigation or social contact with some cheek rubbing, etc. Of course, you want to monitor all the contact, the cat may decide to check out the new baby in ways you would not approve of such as a quick scratch down the cheek, maybe not even meaning it to be malicious.

• Other cats may respond with inquisitive, playful and affectionate overtures toward the new baby.

• All cat and baby interactions need to be closely supervised.

• It is rare that cats spread any kind of disease to humans. Most problems occur from a scratch or bite that can be avoided with close supervision.

Three basic considerations for helping cats best adapt to new babies include:

• Adapt the cat's schedule so it is prepared for the arrival

• Adapt owner interactions with cat to be similar to what will happen when the baby arrives so there is not a lot of sudden change.

• Adapt cat's environment slowly to prepare for baby's arrival. For example, if you will need to keep the cat totally separate from the family unit during certain times of the day, then start this routine before the baby arrives. If you will need to change the cat's feeding station, play times or anything else concerning the cat's schedule, do this well in advance of the baby's arrival so the cat is well accustomed to these changes.

• Most families have the baby's room and furniture already in place before baby's arrival. This is more important from the cat's point of view. Be sure to have all new pieces of furniture in place well in advance of baby's arrival. Some cats are stressed by new structures and new odors. Give your cat time to adjust to baby's necessities.

• Cats may be a little fearful or anxious of strange sounds. Try to record baby noises of cooing, screaming, and crying and replay the sounds for the cat to become well accustomed to new sounds of baby.

Written by: Connie Limon. I raise the beautiful, emerald green-eyed shaded and chinchilla silver Persian cat from champion and grand champion lines. For more information about us and to be added to our contact list, please visit For a variety of reprint articles visit



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