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Friday, September 12, 2008

Unique Cat Names - 5 Sources of Inspiration

By Claudia Escobar

As a cat lover, I know that the process of selecting a cat name can be a bit daunting. Finding a unique cat name might even prove more difficult. But it shouldn't be. Upon closer look, sources of unique cat names are everywhere. There are lots of cat sites out there devoted to cat and kitten names. There are even books and e-books on the subject! Indeed, you could spend a great deal of time going over the hundreds (even thousands) of names found in these sources.

But what if you don't have the time or the energy to go through this process? Of course, you could just choose any name and be done with it. But I'm sure this technique won't please most cat lovers, especially if your aim is to find a truly unique name.

So what do you do? Don't despair. Here are several suggestions to help you in your search. Before you start, consider your kitty's individual characteristics and your personal taste. In addition to these basics you can also consider other criteria. Here are five sources of inspiration:

Do you want to give kitty an out-of-this-world name? Indeed, cats are enchanting, mysterious beings, so a magical name will fit them perfectly. Consider the names of Mythical Creatures and names that appear in Legends, Fables, and Myths. Mythical creatures include Daphne (a nymph), Clio (a muse), and Nereid (a sea nymph). Other magical beings include Angel, Seraphim, Pegasus, Cherub, Fay, Phoenix and Pixie. Also consider mythical heroes, heroines and places, such as Ulysses, Penelope, Troy, Helen, Olympus, Olympia, Hercules, and Medea.

Habla espanol? If you want to give your cat some Latin flavor consider Spanish names, including Antonio, Benito, Bebe, Pepe, Tito, Tomas, Luz, Flor, Ana, Luna, Estela, and Alma. You can also consider names in other languages including French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese -- just to name a few.

If you think that your kitty really deserves a truly out-of-the-ordinary name, then think outside the box. Consider unusual names. Think of fruits, food, objects, and animals -- among many others. Consider Bananas, Blackberry, Cinnamon, Tootsie, Buttercup, Olive, Bat, Koala, Puma, Pepsi, Brandy, and Char.

Our cats are truly precious to us and they deserve a name worthy of them. What about a sparkly name? Consider the names of jewels like Diamond, Ruby, Esmeralda (or Emerald), Pearl, Amethyst, Opal, Onyx, Gem, and Garnet. Maybe you can think of more!

Other sources of inspiration are the names of fruits and flowers. Peach, Apple, Coco (Coconut in Spanish), Rose, Violet, Orchid, and Lily come to mind.

I hope these suggestions help you get started. Maybe you can come up with more categories. It's so much fun.

And to conclude, here's a bonus idea:

Poets and writers: Thoreau, Waldo, Victor, Ernest, Truman, Emily, Louisa, Edith, Margaret, and Harper are great literary names to consider.

© Claudia Escobar is a cat lover who loves anything cat-related. For more unique names and gift ideas for cat lovers visit her site at If you would like to reproduce this article please feel free to do so, provided that you publish the article in its entirety and include this resource box.



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