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Friday, September 12, 2008

Cat Training Made Easy

By Buddy Tripp

"It's like herding cats!"

We've all heard that expression when someone is trying to describe an impossible task. And as a cat owner I certainly could sympathize with it. With my cats I knew I needed to discover a method for cat training made easy. My three cats, Jalepeno, Thai, and Cricket were all feral when I got them. I work at a place where people would often just drop off a litter of kittens in the forest. So my co-workers and I gathered them up, got them neutered and gave them away. Hence the need for cat training made easy.

It's hard enough to get tame cats to behave how you want them to, let alone wild cats. My cats, at first, didn't seem to feel the need to use the litter box when the kitchen rug was fine, or perhaps any convenient house plant. And if you've owned a cat I don't need to tell you the shape my hands and arms were in. But since they go outside I didn't want to de-claw them (which I hate to begin with).

But it's my house not theirs so I realized I needed a good system of cat training made easy- Easy enough for me to understand and simple to put into action. And frankly, my vet wasn't much help. The problem is there is a lot of information about dog training. Dogs are pack animals and always obey the pack leader. If that is you then you're all set. But cats are far more independent. And while they love their people, they seem to be quite content living solitary lives.

What you need to do is "get into" your cat's mind. You have to learn how felines think. While you don't want to inhibit their natural instincts, you DO need to pinpoint the exact reason why your cat is misbehaving and modify her behavior. You too need a good approach to cat training made easy.

Fortunately for us someone came up with just such a method. A wonderful woman by the name of Liz Barton researched cat behavior and came up with a tremendous method for controlling your kitty. She came up with:

• 8 common symptoms of a stressed-out cat

• 7 ways to keep your cat from ruining the furniture

• 2 things that cat's look for in a scratching post

And dozens of other handy tips to make you and your cat's lives a happier one together! I know it's worked for my family and our dear kitties. All I can say is, "Thanks, Liz!"

Buddy Tripp is a husband and father and proud keeper of three peaceful cats. If you are interested in finding out more about Liz Barton's revolutionary method for Cat Training Made Easy just click here: Cat Training Made Easy



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