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Friday, September 12, 2008

Does Cat Grooming Help Bonding?

By Brian Potter

Choosing to own cats means a dedication to being a responsible and caring owner; cat care will require consideration and responsibility, time to feed it, time to play with it, to clean out the cat litter, groom the cat, let it in and out of the home, arrange for its care whilst you are away and to meet the cost of veterinary expenses.

Cats have needs, basic needs for material comforts and they must in the main depend on us to provide them. The care and affection that you give them will often be most rewarding as they become loyal and loving pets, yes you will soon find that they are most appreciative once they feel that the cat care that you have provided is genuine and sincere.

Cats will naturally take care of their own grooming and you may feel that grooming therefore need not be a concern but one of the best ways to begin bonding with your cat is to start a regular grooming procedure.

The cats own natural grooming process is to keep its coat clean, remove the dead fur and skin, stimulate circulation and tone muscles.

All cats require grooming on a regular basis and although you may believe that the cat has naturally inherited meticulous grooming habits it is still important never the less for you as an owner to keep skin and coat healthy looking with regular brushing and combing. It will remove dirt, hair and debris, stimulate circulation and help distribute natural oils.

If introduced to cat grooming at an early age most cats will welcome the additional attention but more mature cats may resist the procedure and will require much patience to prove that grooming is more pleasurable than painful.

Cat grooming not only enhances your cat's appearance but its overall well-being too and if you make it pleasurable for them think of how they will show their appreciation....your friend for life! .

The best place for cat grooming is of course out of doors to keep hair and perhaps flees too out of the house but if weather does not permit outdoor grooming then a outhouse or utility area might be the next best location. If you are grooming inside your home remember to stand the cat on sheets of paper or plastic whilst the grooming is taking place

Place the cat on a table or in your lap and brush the coat hair in its natural direction. The entire coat, upper body, under body and sides should be brushed thoroughly, to brush the under body you will need to determine the cats preference for being stood up or being rolled on to its back. Gentle attention is required to the tail face and inner legs as these are sensitive areas.

The cat's eyes ears and nose should all be checked during grooming for any disorder. If a problem is found then immediate proper care is required as even minor problems can lead to a more serious condition.

Unless your cat is to be shown or becomes irritated by parasites cat washing or bathing is more of an option rather than a need.

Want to find more advice and information on how to best care for your cat? See There's a whole lot more for you there!



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