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Friday, September 12, 2008

Pet Nutrition and Health - Cats Have Special Needs!

By Richard Monson

Cats have always been independent and privately opinionated. Their attitude and instincts come from generations of being scavengers and predators. For their size cats have very muscular leg muscles giving them the opportunity to pounce on prey from a crouching position. In the wild their food was/is composed mostly of birds and rodents giving them needed protein and other nutrition.

Many domesticated cats live much of their lives in homes where food and litter boxes are provided to their satisfaction. Couches, chairs, low tables and other hiding places give them the private shelter they require and enjoy. Most will ask for attention on their terms and make themselves available when they want it. Many of these four footed creatures are dedicated to one person's attention and will hide when children and others attempt to pet them.

Domesticated cats that live in homes do not have an opportunity to spend much time outside. Pet Parents provide the necessary amenities for the cats such as: Litter box, exercise areas, toys and food. A common problem that cats have is urinary infections. These seem to result from less outdoor exercise and less captured prey. We supply dry cat food that provides good nutrition, but all this leads to less moisture intake. A simple help would be to provide canned cat food. Canned food usually contains a higher quantity of water and other liquids forcing a greater intake of necessary moisture to flush the urinary system.

Read the labels on cat food packaging and take into consideration a few things: Meat and protein sources, grains, vegetable sources and green food (phytonutrients), mineral content, vitamins, etc. One very, very important ingredient to AVOID is any form of chemical preservatives. These preservatives (BHA and BHT) are included to keep the food "preserved" or artificially "fresh"! Do not buy food that does not have an expiration date more than 6 weeks away!

An additional important note is: Meat is generally accepted as a protein source, but when you see deboned meat products listed it is referring to the bony carcass that is scraped to remove all the cartilage and tissue: This is "deboned meat product".

Take the time to compare all the foods you are considering. Be aware that mass producing commercial pet food companies do not have you or your pet's best interests in mind.....the bottom line is their guide.

Richard Monson is an entrepreneurial spirit with many interests. Pets are continuous companions in his life. Having lived on a farm he has concern for animals and out of necessity has studied animal nutrition and health. His interests in chemistry, physics and biology have provided him with the curiosity to look for answers beyond the usual methods. His pet website is at:



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