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Sunday, July 27, 2008

What is the Best Cat Training Technique?

By Michael Porteous

Many people ask the question 'what is the best cat training technique?' and are met by the usual answer of 'you can't train a cat!'. While cat owners have a good laugh at this because they know just how willful and stubborn the average cat is and they know just how much it seems cats train humans rather than the other way around there is plenty of evidence to suggest that cats can indeed be trained and it does not need to be overly complicated either.

The first problem many people face when training a cat is that they treat their kitty like a dog! Dogs are a completely different animal with a different social structure a different brain and many other differences that make them quite far apart from cats. Dogs learn through repetition and being given treats a lot of the time and the key to their training is that they are social creatures at their core and thrive in social environments. By being the pack leader you are already half way to training a dog. Cats on the other hand don't care what you think you are thank you very much and go about their business however they want. The only truth most people get when trying to train their cat is they learn fear very quickly which is a very bad thing.

So first of all never use penalties with cats, dogs may see a penalty as being reprimanded by the pack leader by a cat will simply not trust you afterwards.

So what is the best cat training technique then if those are the worst? What do cats respond to? The simple answer is cats respond to what works well for them, they are very self dependent creatures and any training that goes along with their nature will stick rather than be discarded. Be positive with cats and appeal to their nature instead of fighting against it.

Do you want to know the other secrets of training your cat?
There is an amazing amount your average cat can learn including using their kitty litter properly and not scratching the furniture to the extremes of using a human toilet and doing tricks!
If you want proven techniques that are taking the cat training world by storm click below to find out more!



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