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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Toilet Training Your Cat

By Michael Porteous

If you own a cat then you know of the terrible smell of cat urine and you know of the endless task of cleaning up the floor and kitty litter of their misplaced waste. It is awful, demeaning and disgusting work but we love our cats and dutifully clean up after them. There is however an easier way and while it seems bizarre has been successfully done all over the world by cat owners who know how and that is toilet training your cat!

If cats can learn to use their kitty litter why can they not be able to use a human toilet? As odd as it may seem to see a cat perched upon the bowl it is easy for an agile cat to do and allows easy removal of waste from your house with no effort except to flush! Not only will this save your house from kitty waste and smells it saves you a fortune in cat litter too! So how can it be done? The trick is to take it slowly.

First you must have a plan to gradually put the cat into the right frame of mind to learn a new way of doing things, cat owners know just how stubborn and willful cats can be and so will understand! You must continually be positive and reward the cat with attention when they do things right but not always with treats as they come to expect food if you do this too often and if it does not come they lose interest in the entire process.

Next you must gradually move the kitty litter closer to the toilet in very small steps over many days, big changes may confuse the cat or make it suspicious so just edge it closer to the bowl every time you clean it out and refill it.

As long as your cat responds well to this you can then move to the next stage which is actually putting the litter on top of the toilet seat. There is a bit of an art to getting your cat to do this bit but they must learn to jump up and use their litter on the bowl or they will never learn to use it without it.

Now you can probably see the pattern here, if you continue gradually moving the litter to the right place you will soon be able to remove the kitty litter completely and you now have a better trained cat! Toilet training your cat is not quite as easy as this but this is the general overview of what needs to be done.

Do you believe you can now train your cat to use the toilet?
Do you want to know what to do if your kitty does not respond as well as you like?
Do you want to know the secrets of how to train your cat to do anything including going to the toilet?
If so click below to find out how cats can be trained better than dogs!



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