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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Litter Training Cats Step by Step

By Jovan Johnson

Litter training cats can be really easy the hard part is to figure out what you (yes you) have been doing wrong. Litter training cats can be easy and it can be hard but if you follow the simple guidelines below then you will not have to worry. Many people think that their cat's litter problem is because their cat does not want to use the litter box. That is not true it's because you just have a lack of cat training education.

Litter training cats (the simple way):

Litter training cats is a very common problem so here are a couple of things you may want to check as soon as possible.

Check your litter box

Is your litter box large? Is it small? This has a big affect on your cat so do not take it for granted. If you have a small cat and your cat does not want to use the litter box, it could be because the litter box is to big or your cat is to big and the litter box is to small. Your cat will become uncomfortable and that will cause your cat to use the floor instead.

Where is the litter box?

Do not place your cats litter box in a busy spot, its not going to make your cat want to use it if everyone is walking around your cat. Do not place your cats litter box around it bed or food. Do humans eat where they use the restroom? I hope no, so treat your cat the same way.

Use sprays

There are a lot of sprays on the market that help you attract your cat to use the litter box, check your local pet store and see which one will be the best for you

Schedule eating

Put your kitty on a regular eating schedule and you will know when its time for your cat has to use the litter box.

Clean litter

Very very important tip! Make sure you clean the litter box as frequently as possible. If you don't this makes your cat not want to use the litter box and will force your cat to find a new place to potty. Are Sick of your cat litter problems and Need more help? Click here for step by step training and finally learn how to end any cat problem

Get a cat training book

Here's a great Cat training book that I strongly recommend. It will teach how train your cat to use the litter box guaranteed! Its a really great book check it out And not only will you learn litter training but you will learn how to solve any cat training problem in a couple days!



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