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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Training Your Cat to Go Outside - Tips For a Better Behaved Kitty

By Michael Porteous

Having an outdoors cat has many appeals, less mess to clean up if they do their business outside, less damaged furniture from scratching as they can use a tree and the fact that most cats are happier when they can be outside and feel like they are on the prowl like the wild animal that is inside them; Then they can come back in and be your adorable little kitty cat again! You can even train your cat to walk on a leash like a dog... but more importantly not like a dog, let me explain.

Training a cat to do anything may seem like a mammoth task as cats are willful, stubborn and independent creatures. Dogs on the other hand are social creatures used to working in packs as it is in their very nature. If you prove to the dog you are the pack leader then the dog is already half way to being trained. Cats on the other hand have no master in their own mind and so this approach will fail.

So what can you do? The exact method of how you train your cat to go outside may vary wildly but there is one overwhelming point you must take into account when starting. You must train the cat within its nature. Cats will learn when you are positive and when good things happen as they learn new things. This does not mean giving the cat a treat every time it does something good however as they come to expect this every time and all is lost when you stop doing it. Instead you must take a patient and incremental approach to training a cat.

The other tip I can offer you is to never use fear or intimidation on a cat while they learn from being reprimanded they do not learn the right thing, they learn to fear you! A dog can sometimes learn to fear and respect you but a cat will never have that mentality and so will just associate bad things with YOU not the action it took!

If you use these tips you can have a much better trained cat that will go outside and do its business, learn to use a cat door, stay on a leash and many other things.
How do you go about this in detail though you ask?
If you want to know the comprehensive details on how to train a cat click below to see the cat training secrets that is causing a real stir in the cat training industry!



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