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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cat Stress Symptoms

By Catherine Conway

Does your cat seem anxious? Has he started exhibiting new behavior, such as roaming around the house and meowing as if his heart is breaking? Is he starting to poop and pee everywhere EXCEPT in the litter box?

Cats don't suddenly change their habits for no reason. Even if the change is positive, such as an aloof cat becoming extremely affectionate, it could mean that something is wrong. Your cat might be stressed or even sick.

One of the most common signs of stress is when a cat stops using the litter box. Maybe he starts peeing on your towels or pooping on your dirty laundry instead. Sometimes it's just your cat's way of telling you that the litter box is filthy. Other times it means the cat has a urinary tract infection.

Another sign of stress in cats is when their personality undergoes a radical change. A confident, independent cat might suddenly become clingy and anxious. A cat that's in pain might start running around the house more often, hopping up on counter tops and knocking over breakables. Or he might become suspicious and unfriendly, lashing out at anyone who comes near him.

If the cat's grooming habits change, that's another telltale sign of stress. Your cat might stop grooming himself completely, resulting in dirty, matted fur. Or he might groom himself too much, licking and chewing certain areas until he gives himself bald spots.

Sometimes the signs of stress in cats are more subtle. The cat's daily habits might gradually change. Maybe he eats less than he used to, or he can't seem to get enough food these days. Or maybe a cat who lived a nocturnal lifestyle for years suddenly becomes active during the day.

A change in behavior usually means that your cat is feeling bad. It's best to get him checked out by a vet to see if there's anything medically wrong, then go from there.

Catherine L. Conway is a freelance writer, and she loves cats. She also knows how frustrating it can be when your cat suddenly starts urinating everywhere except in the litter box.

Do you have a cat that's peeing everywhere, scratching up furniture, or generally being destructive? You don't have to choose between your cat and the furniture. Visit to learn why your cat is acting out and how to stop it.



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