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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cat Illness Symptoms - What to Look Out For

By Soru Kayde

There are many different act illness symptoms you need to look out for as a cat owner. They can change and vary depending on what the cat is suffering from and most of which can be very difficult to spot. Cats are very good at hiding their weaknesses and many not want you to find out they are in pain or suffering discomfort. This can make it very difficult for owner to recognise problems or illnesses without a vet’s diagnosis.

If you notice any cat illness symptoms in your own cat, do not hesitate to book an appointment with your local vet as soon as possible. Cats are unable to express to their owners how they feel, or what exactly is wrong with them. As soon as you notice a possible problem with your cat you need to get the issue looked at to ensure a condition is not going unnoticed. With the proper testing your vet will be able to identify the problem and the cause effectively, never try to self diagnose your cat. Many cat illness symptoms are caused by a variety of different illnesses and are not just a symptom of one particular condition. Inaccurate diagnosis could lead to a potentially fatal condition being left untreated.

The general cat illness symptoms to look out for include:

· Vomiting

· Diarrhea

· Constipation

· Weight Loss and/or lack of appetite

· Skin Problems including rash, itchiness or patches

· Hair Loss

· Discharge of the eyes, ears or nose

· Urinal Accidents

· Excessive Thirst and/or excessive urination

· Depression or behavioral change

· Sneezing or coughing

· Fever

· Blood in Urine

· Discomfort, pain, meowing or yelping during urination

If you identify two or more symptoms you should book an appointment with your vet as soon as possible, if you encounter just one symptom, it will depend on it’s severity as to whether or not it is a possible illness. In these cases you should speak to your veterinary clinic if you are unsure and talk to them about the symptom. It is also possible that once you have identified one symptom, if you continue to examine and look more closely at your cat and its behaviour you will start to notice other symptoms as well. For severe symptoms such as blood in the urine, you should make an appointment with your vet immediately.

This article was written on behalf of Love Your Cat, a dedicated informational resource for cat owners who are concerned about their cat's health and well being. provides useful information on cat illnesses, sign, symptoms, cat pain relief, treatments, preventions and much more.



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