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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Natural Alternatives to Clay Litter - PaPurr Scoop, Swheat Scoop and World's Best

By Amy Yang

Indoor cats use litter boxes, and those litter boxes need to be filled with litter. I, personally, am allergic to clay litter. Since I have an indoor cat, I have to find an alternative to clay litter. I'm going to review a few of the alternative non-clay litters that I have tried, namely PaPurr Scoop, Swheat Scoop, and World's Best.

My criteria for a good litter are:

- Dust-free (or as dust free as litter can get)

- Good odor control

- As little tracking as possible

- Good clumping for easy removal

- Smells good

With that, let me get on with the review of each.

PaPurr Scoop Review

First off, let me review PaPurr Scoop.

PaPurr Scoop litter is a clumping litter made out of recycled paper. It is lightly scented with a somewhat floral scent. This litter does not have much dust since it is made out of recycled paper. What I like about this litter is that it feels just like clay with the little round particles. It feels good to the touch, so I would imagine it would feel good to a cat's paws as well.

My cat is really good with his litter box habits and so he will use whatever I put in his box. Which works great for me as I don't have to worry when switching litters for testing purposes. When I first put this litter into his box, he came over and sniffed it. He used it, but he didn't really like the smell of it. It made him sneeze. It made me sneeze too after it was sitting there for a while. It was the fragrance they put in it.

It didn't work out . . .

Moving on to World's Best Cat Litter . . .

World's Best Cat Litter Review

World's Best Cat Litter is made from corn. I know some cats and some people are allergic to corn, so caution needs to be exercised in this regard.

The litter is lightweight and so it does track quite a bit, unfortunately. This litter IS dusty. I ended up with a fine layer of corn dust everywhere my cat stepped. And my cat, whose feet are white, ended up with yellow feet a few weeks into using this litter . . . It was kinda funny . . . and if you happen to own a yellow cat, then this wouldn't be a problem . . .

Clumping-wise, World's Best does clump well. The clumps are rather loose though. My cat would end up playing with the clumps to the point of breaking it into many little clumps which would end up not getting scooped since they were so little . . . Not good.

World's Best is good at controlling odor though. The bag states that you can use this littler up a month, but I was only able to use it for about two weeks before it started smelling foul. This is probably due to my cat breaking apart his clumps . . . (I scoop twice daily.)

And another note, a rather interesting one at that. This corn litter attracts moths, a lot of moths. It took me a few days to realize where they came from . . .

Next, we have Swheat Scoop.

Swheat Scoop Review

And thus, my trials took me to Swheat Scoop, my current favorite.

Swheat Scoop is truly a dust free litter. But again, this litter is not for those with wheat allergies.

Swheat Scoop has small granules that are denser than World's Best and so it tracks a bit less than World's Best.

It's odor control is great. I like the light scent of the wheat as well. My cat isn't bothered by the smell of it either. Out of these three litters, this is the only one that does not make him sneeze.

The clumps are hard and I haven't seen any broken clumps since I started using this product.

One word of caution, the bag states to keep at least 3 inches of litter in the box. This is a necessity! If you keep less, then you will end up with a mushy pile of litter at the bottom of the box. Not very pleasant to clean up . . . I currently keep about 4 inches of it in my jumbo size box (I have a big cat). It works great!

Thanks for reading! And I hope this helps in your search for a good alternative to clay cat litter.

Do you have a cat? If you do, you might be interested to see the products that I have personally rated as the best cat products I have come across. Follow the following link to see the products:



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