Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is it OK to Give My Cat Milk?

By Randa Magdi

Many cat owners wonder if they should give their cat milk (especially when they are still kittens). It is not uncommon to see images of kittens lapping up a bowl of milk or the white moustache-like after effect on a contented little face leaving an empty bowl. Who has ever offered a kitten a bowl of milk thinking they were giving it a healthy treat? Yes, milk is enjoyed by kittens and cats but should the milk be cow's milk?

I spoke with our vet Glen Kolenc to find out.

He advised that cats and dogs don't need milk once they have been weaned from their mother. They get all the calcium they need from good quality pet foods.

He added that a small amount of milk is OK but some dogs and cats can't digest it properly once they are adults and they can get diarrhea. If your pet has diarrhea do not give it any milk at all. Fresh water is better for animals and should be available at all times Glen suggested.

Lactose free pet milk is available from your supermarket, however you should remember that cats and dogs do not have a dietary requirement for milk, so there is really no need for you to give it in the first place!"

In summary, it's worthwhile remembering that puppies and kittens do need to drink milk - but this should only be their mother's milk only while they are nursing.

A mother's milk is full of the fat and protein which enables them to grow into a healthy cat. Cow's milk does not contain many of these essential ingredients to keep your pet healthy.

Randa Magdi is plain mad about animals and their welfare. She is particularly passionate about the welfare of cats and dogs and is active in many animal groups that aim to give animals a fairer life.

Randa also volunteers her time where possible to help at animal fundraisers. A recent fundraiser Randa helped organize was to raise funds for the desexing of dogs in outback and remote Indigenous communities in Australia. Randa's heart breaks when she hears about the number of unwanted pets that are euthanized each year. Randa's family consists of a partner, four cats and two dogs (only one was planned and the rest were strays or rescues).

Randa wanted to combine her communication skills with her passion for the well-being of domestic pets and hence the dogs and cats website was borne and is currently being populated.

Randa has spent the last 18 months learning the ins and outs of business over the internet and has been working with a programmer to offer a must-visit site for dog and cat owners. An A-Z directory of services, owners can find the nearest dog or cat service provider in their local area. The differentiator with say a yellow pages, is that people can leave a rating allowing future visitors to make a more informed decision about the service provider they choose. Feel free to visit

Randa's other passion is great food and the company of friends. Randa also created and manages the blog dinner party ideas.



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