Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oral Cat Care

By Debbie Foster

Looking after your pet's dental hygiene is a primary responsibility of any pet owner, so begin your cat tooth care today instead of waiting till next February. In case you are wondering why February is mentioned, it is because two mega associations, The United States American Veterinarian Medicine Association or the AVMA, and the American Veterinary Dental Society or the AVDS, have decided to do something special during the month of February.

These two groups tagged what used to be the month for couples as the Cat Dental Health month where they both develop and carry out steps in preparing pet owners like you toward how to care for the oral needs of your family pets every day. These two acknowledged groups know how important it is to take good care of the oral needs of your family pets. Their ardent desire is to dedicate a month in the year for the oral care of your pet, whatever that pet may be.

Were you aware that about 85 percent of mature pets have dental diseases? Were you also aware that this is one of the most common causes of health related problems with cats? If you don't pay attention to those oral ailments, more problems may surface. If not treated effectively, harmful elements like bacteria from the oral cavity can spread throughout the bloodstream. This in turn could infect other essential organs and ultimately lead to the death of your beloved cat.

A cat's teeth should be cleaned everyday, and you have to take this as your obligation. This may not be easy for you to do alone, so utilize another member of the household to gently hold open your cat's mouth so you can then clean its teeth comfortably. Your feline friend may not like the procedure at first but it is for their own good. If your cat has their claws, you'll want to wear some protective clothing while they get used to the process. Starting this as a kitten is best as then it's not a big thing. If starting later in your cat's life, both of you will have to get acquainted to the process. To make it a little easier for your cat, try using a fish flavored toothpaste. It makes sense to be in touch with your vet regarding the oral care of your family pets. When visiting your vet, they will check your cat's gum and teeth to provide any additional recommendations, if required.

Oral care for your cat should begin as kittens to prevent future ill health as the cat ages. If you have endured painful teeth, you can relate to the pain your cat must be experiencing when there are tooth problems. If not taken care of, your cat could be prone to heart, lung, liver and kidney problems. Effective oral care will help to ensure that your cat grows older gracefully and in good health. By taking the required actions, you are preparing your family pets to have a less painful life as they mature.

An animal advocate, Debbie Foster owns where you'll find a wide selection of quality pet beds, dog crates, dog carriers, dog pens, cat beds, cat carriers, large dog beds, pet strollers and more.



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