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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Homemade Cat Diet - Safe, Healthy, and Delicious

By W. P. Allen

Placing your cat on a homemade cat diet really is the best source of nutrition for him. A cat's daily diet should consist of four parts protein to one - two parts carbohydrates.

A homemade cat diet can be given to your feline friend either raw or cooked, depending on your cat and situation. Whichever way you choose to give your cat a homemade cat diet, it is essential to remember never to feed him any cooked bones. Raw vegetables should always be finely chopped or blended in order to break down the cell walls and make them digestible for your cat.

Listed below are the definitions between one part protein and one part carbohydrates.

One part protein is equal to:

• 2 oz of fish or meat.

• 1 egg of a medium size.

• ฝ a cup of yogurt; however, it is important to note that ฝ of yogurt counts as 1 unit of carbohydrate also.

• 1/3 of a cup of cottage cheese; again this counts as 1 unit of carbohydrate.

• 2 oz of organ meat. One unit of organ meat can be given several times a week if you wish.

It is also important to remember that 1 to 2 units of carbohydrate need to be given every day.

One part carbohydrate is equal to:

• 1 cup of vegetables such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, peas, spinach, and squashes.

• ฝ a cup of fruits such as apples, bananas, berries, melons, and tomatoes.

• ผ of a cup of cooked beans, chick peas, and lentils.

• 1/3 of a cup of grains such as oatmeal or barley. These grains are the best type of carbohydrates for a cat. However, it is important to note that grains are the most unfavorable types of carbohydrates. Other options that are not greatly preferred include whole wheat pasta and brown rice.

Supplements should also be given to your cat, which include:

• ฝ tsp bone meal.

• Multivitamins for cats. It is important to supplement your cat with 50 to 100 mg of taurine on a daily basis, depending on the size of your cat. Taurine should be especially given if the homemade cat diet is of the cooked variety, as meat loses most of its taurine content when cooked.

• 500 to 1000 mg fish oil.

• Antioxidant as directed for cats.

It is important to remember that the homemade cat diet is not always suitable for all cats. It is always advised to seek advice from your veterinarian before you begin to give your feline friend this new homemade cat diet.

Commercial cat food is loaded with TOXINS that are slowly poisoning your cat! Want proof? CLICK HERE!



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