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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cats Love Their Own Furniture, Something Just For Them

By Bonnie Decoste

Our cat, my cat and the next door neighbor's cat love to have a space just for them. Most felines big or small, find it appealing to have a corner of their domain which gives them a territory that they can feel save and secure in, not unlike their owners. Cat furniture comes in condos, modular shapes, or in the form of scratching post with steps to climb and view the world from.

Cat furniture can be found at pet stores, malls and online. Furniture can range from economical prices to very high prices. Blueprints for cat furniture can be found to convert ordinary furniture to a cat litter box that hides very discreetly in any room. Only your cat will know for sure where this much needed lavatory facility is residing.

Cat furniture can be so interesting it can look like modern art. Some reach towards the ceiling letting your cat reside from high above the other inhabitants in the home. If you do not have the room for traditional cat furniture shelves can be mounted on the wall like stepping stones for your little prowler to scale. This will keep your kitten healthy and happy. This type of furniture for your kitty uses very little room and is very inexpensive.

Some of the cat furniture is designed for more than one cat. Sometimes little hiding spots are setup for your kitten's naps. If you have aggressive cats they will spend hours a day playing king of the hill. This may seem that your cats have a major problem but in the feline world dominates is a part of their culture. It comes naturally to a cat to claim a spot just for them. After a time kittens will sort out what spots is theirs and what spot is the other members of the feline family.

Cat furniture can be purchased in many places but some people have that need to be creative. Cat owners who like to research their pet's personality may tackle building something that reflex their kitten's favorite trait. This seems like a lot of work but for people that are cat lovers feel there is nothing to good for their companions. Cats will show you just how much they appreciate your endeavors by settling right in to what has been presented to them. After all, that pesky dog is still on the floor.

For more great info on cats and cat furniture, be sure to check out Bonnie's website



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