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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Get Rid of Cat Urine Odor Quickly & Easily

By Mary Telford

Oh dear, your beloved puss has done it again. There is a mess in the house and the unmistakable smell of acrid cat urine is in the air. What is worse is that you have visitors coming over in 30 mins!

So the question is, just how do you get rid of cat urine odor?

Firstly, get yourself some blotting paper, handy paper towels, or if necessary, old towels that you have on hand. Fold these up so that you have a thick wad, but do not fold them up so small that that barely cover the cat urine mess. You want ample over coverage.

Place the wad of towels gently onto the mess and slowly press down evenly. Hold down with an even weight. A book will do the trick nicely. Do not dab - this will only press the cat urine into the carpet. The idea is that you want the towels to soak up the cat urine using capillary action. After some time, gently pick up the towels and throw away. If all has gone well, the towels will have soaked all the cat urine from the carpet. If not, repeat the process.

You will notice, however, that the smell of urine will still be present. This next step is the secret to get rid of cat urine odor.

Mix warm water with white vinegar in a half-half ratio. Dab this onto the carpet. The vinegar in this solution will act as a natural neutraliser for the cat urine odor. This is achieved because the vinegar is a base and the urine is an acid. The two together neutralise each other.

Afterward, let the carpet dry, sprinkle baking soda onto the entire carpet area and vacuum for a real fresh result.

Want more recipes for more stubborn cat urine odor? Stale cat urine stains not shifting? Be surprised at how simple the answer is by clicking here. Or if you simply want to avoid future embarrassments for your cat, why not read this guide on how to train your cat - including how to train her to use the human toilet! (Follow the link to watch the videos!)



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