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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cat Urine Removal Solutions

By Blake Hygate

Everyone with a cat has been there. You come home only to find that your cat has had an accident right in the middle of your carpet. The smell is overpowering and the stain will not come out no matter what you try. Now what are you supposed to do? You could easily call a carpet cleaning company to come out to your home and deal with the problem with professional equipment, but that's expensive. If it was only going to happen one time, then professional cleaning is a great option. The problem is that no matter what you try, it will happen again.

If you rent your home, removing the stain is extremely important because your landlord will be have to clean it and you will get the bill. Besides that, do you really want your home to smell like cat urine? You may get used to it,but I assure you, your friends and relatives will not like it. You might even end up being the subject of jokes about the state of your home and your cat urine problems.

No one wants this, but what option do you have. Getting rid of the cat is certainly not an option, but you need to find a way to clean your home that works every time without having to spend a fortune each time it happens. The first thing you should try is baking soda and warm water. This may be effective but make sure you don't get the carpet too wet or it will mold underneath. Stay away from any harsh chemicals that will harm your pets or family. One of the most effective house cleaners in general is vinegar and hot water. If you can stand the smell of vinegar in your home, this might just do the trick. Mouthwash that contains alcohol may also work, but none are a guarantee.

To learn the secrets of cat urine removal, visit our website called "What Removes Cat Urine" which will provide access to tips and tricks that will help you deal with your cat urine problems. Finding lasting solutions are the key, as opposed to quick fixes that are expensive. Cat urine removal doesn't have to be a problem anymore!



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