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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dealing With Feline Aggression

By CS Swarens

Cats have a long-lasting attitude for being a little on the snobby side and for being a bit finicky. While this type of behavior may be somewhat normal in many cats, showing signs of aggression is not a behavior that should be tolerated from your cat. Nonetheless, this is the second most common behavioral issue faced by cat owners today. So, if your cat is showing signs of aggression, it is important for you to take steps to put an end to the behavior so you and everyone else in the house can get along nicely.

Reasons for Aggression

There are many reasons for feline aggression, though most aggression is caused by one of four main reasons:

• Dominance

• Fear

• Territory

• Redirection

Understanding the cause of the aggression is the first step toward putting an end to this undesirable behavior. It is also important to remember that some signs of aggression are related to your cat's natural instincts, such as the desire to be left alone and to protect its property.

In nature, cats are solitary animals who hunt alone. Therefore, if food is not plentiful in your household, your cats may show signs of aggression toward one another. But, it is important to note that even those cats that are fed well may exhibit territorial aggression, this is particularly true of those that are kept outdoors.

Cats may also exhibit aggression if they have to live together within a small area, such as if they are contained to a single room. In many cases, cats living in the same household will divide the house up among themselves. For example, one cat may seem to favor a particular windowsill while another may have a spot that it frequently uses on the couch. This is there way of setting up territorial boundaries in order to live together in a more harmonious manner.

Putting an End to Feline Aggression

Sometimes, cats that once got along with each other will suddenly begin exhibiting aggressive behavior. This usually happens when one cat has been away, such as when one has spent time at the veterinarian, and the cats do not recognize each other. Therefore, it is best to slowly reintroduce the cats to one another so the relationship is not irreparably damaged due to lack of recognition.

If you have cats that have simply never gotten along with each other, there are several steps you can take in order to put an end to the behavior. These include:

• Keeping your cats' nails trimmed

• Neutering all of the cats in the household

• Putting bells on your cats so they are easier to locate and so each cat can hear the other one coming

• Rub your cats each day with a towel that has been rubbed on the other cats in the household so they can become familiar with each other's scent

• Setting time aside each day to spend with each of your cats

If these methods don't work, you may have to physically separate your cats within your home. By slowly reintroducing them to each other, you may be able to finally achieve the level of harmony you want in your home.

CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's resource for pets for sale.

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