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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cat Diabetes - When Too Much Sweetness Can Kill

By Charlene Rennings

Cat Diabetes occurs when the hormone insulin in cats fails to balance the levels of glucose or blood sugar in the body.

Glucose is the byproduct of foods which flows into the blood stream right after digestion. In normal body setup, insulin is secreted which converts glucose into energy to be used for body activities. In Type 1 diabetes, there is not enough insulin in the body to perform this important glucose conversion. The total failure of the cells to respond at all in the presence of insulin falls in the Type 2 category of diabetes.

A basic sign for cat diabetes would be frequent urination or polyuria. Excessive levels of blood sugar will be passed into the urine, with the kidney reacting by flushing them out through urination. In parallel with polyuria is polydipsia, the cat will feel excessive thirst. Having diabetes under control will similarly regulate this two conditions. Other major symptoms of feline diabetes are weakness of the rear legs, weight loss inspite increased appetite and lethargy.

Older, obese cats and those of the male gender are the group most affected by cat diabetes. Although there is no specific cause to be pinpointed, possible contributing factors can be hormonal imbalance, pancreatic disease, obesity and genetics.

Diabetes in cats can be determined though urine and blood evaluation. A good news for this kind of disorder is that it is treatable. With dedication and good collaboration with an expert veterinarian, your cat will certainly be a warm companion for a long period of time.

Your cat can't tell you when it is sick. It is up to you to learn about the various cat health problems and what you can do about it before it's too late. Visit



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