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Saturday, November 1, 2008

5 Tips on Litter Box Behavior

By Rob Metras

Does your cat's litter box behavior need an adjustment? If your cat has stopped going where is it supposed to go. it might be your fault! Here are 5 cat care tips on litter box behavior that will get your cat going where it should.

1. Scoop more often

Lots of cat owners do not keep the litter box as clean as a cat would like. Cats spend hours cleaning themselves and when it comes to cleaning their litter boxes, they expect the same from you. If you are an occasional scooper, try scooping a couple times a day. Chances are your cat's litter box behavior will improve.

2. Keep it clean

You will probably notice a change in your cat's litter box behavior if you also clean the entire litter box more often. Plastic traps odor, and most litter boxes and liners are made of plastic. Change the liner and litter and wash the litter box with warm water and mild-smelling detergent a few times every month.

3. Take the lid off

Humans prefer a covered litter box but cats do not. When covered they cannot see approaching enemies. And covers trap odor. Uncover the litter box and see if your cat's litter box behavior returns to normal.

4. Give your cat what it is used to.

Switching cat litter brands is the easiest way to make your catís litter box behavior turn from good to bad. The new litter you bought because it was a better bargain might not feel right to the cat. If it does not feel familiar, do not expect your cat to use it. They hate change therefore avoid it..

5. The litter box brings to mind bad memories.

If something bad or frightening happened when the cat last used the litter box, the cat might be scared to go there again. Try moving the litter box someplace quiet and away from doors that slam, objects that fall and animals that harass. Then see if the litter box behavior improves.

And there you have it : 5 quick and easy cat care litterbox tips! Now get out there and scoop!

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