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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to Spot, Treat, and Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

By Stephen Jones

What if I told you that feline lower urinary tract disease is a silent killer? Many cat owners don't notice the early symptoms of the disease and only take them to the vet for treatment by the time it is too late. In order to keep your kitty safe and maintain cat urinary tract health, you must learn to spot the symptoms of infection early and administer preventive treatments on a regular basis.

Infections of the lower feline urinary tract are not as common as urinary tract infections in dogs. Less than 1% of the cat population is affected by them but 10% of cat visits to the veterinarian have to do with urologic disorders. Tract inflammation in cats is caused by a variety of factors and can be hard to spot since cats are often purring, licking, and snuggling even when in pain.

First of all, knowing your cat's normal behavior is very important in order to be able to tell when he is acting different. Some of the first signs of bladder infection include very little urine, frequent urination, and painful urination. Other common red flags are excessive grooming of the genital area and crying while doing so. Also, you can suspect urinary tract infection in cats when your cat urinates outside of the litter box or you find blood in his urine.

The cause of urinary tract infections can be bacterial, fungal, or viral infection, urethral obstruction, or uroliths aka bladder stones. Conventional treatment aims at suppressing the immediate symptoms by administering antibiotics, catheterization, fluid therapy and surgery in rare cases. These conventional methods are highly effective treatments as a last resort but you should try to avoid them as much as possible because of their dangerous side effects. Prevention is the best medicine so your goal should be to try to maintain cat urinary tract health and treat infections in their early stages with natural remedies.

In order to keep your cat's bladder healthy, make sure that your cat always has access to fresh, clean water. Also feed your cat frequent small meals versus two big meals per day and try to feed him unprocessed foods as much as possible. It is also important to closely observe your cat at all time in order to be able to notice any unusual behavior that may be a sign of cat urinary tract infection. Try to keep your cat from feeling stress by keeping him from being exposed to stressful situations.

If you don't want to risk your cat's health by giving strong antibiotics, try administering a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies for urinary tract infections in dogs and cats are accessible and affordable. Furthermore, they can be highly beneficial as preventive treatment also. All you have to do is sprinkle it on your cat's tongue everyday to support the healthy flow of pee and maintain cat urinary tract health. Homeopathic remedies aim at holistic treatment thus support immune system functioning and overall health.

Do your cat a favor by making the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes in order to prevent urinary tract infection and maintain a healthy bladder. It is important to think in prevention as a treatment because the infection will recur otherwise. The keys to cat urinary tract health are healthy diet, observation to spot unusual symptoms, and holistic remedies. If you follow these simple steps, your cat will stay infection-free and healthy.



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