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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

7 Tips on Cat Recreation - Simple Cat Play

By Rob Metras

Cats love to play and playing with your cat is a great way to bond with it and to learn about its characteristics and its personality. There are a lot of different ways you can play with your cat, but first a word of advice. Should your cat scratch you and hurt you, let him know you disapprove and say something like No and stop playing with him for about an hour or so. When you do this on a consistent basis then the cat will stop hurting you and be more gentle.

Cue with Sound - a great way to show your cat when play time is, is by cueing with a certain sound. Your cat will soon be associating that sound with play time. Choose another sound to let them know when game time is over.

Play the Cat and Mouse Game- This is a really simple game, all you have to do is move your hand under something, it can be the blanket or the sheet, or whatever and let them pounce on the mound your hand makes.

The Brown Paper Bag Game - For some reason, most cats love a brown paper shopping bag on the floor. If he doesn't understand the game just scratch your fingers on the back of the bag when the cat is near the opening of the bag.

Toy on a Pole - Cats really love this toy. Choose a pole or an old fishing pole and attach a ribbon, a string or a small cat toy on the end then move it around and let your cat catch the prize.

The Fake Fight - Once the cat really trusts you and knows that you are just playing you can play fake fights. When the cat is in a hunting mood then start waving your arms around and make fake fighting noises. Just enough to play but not enough to frighten them. In this game you just need to make sure they don't get serious and scratch you or bite you.

Toys - There are all kinds of toys and cat nip toys on the market. The only problem is that most cat owners buy them and then expect the cat to play by themselves. Cats do love to play but they usually want either another cat or a person to play with them. So if you expect a cat toy to entertain them with little or no effort on your part, then the toys will probably be unsuccessful.

String, Yarn- Anything can be a toy and can be played with. It can be a string, a piece of yarn, or just anything that has a bit of movement to it. Remember cats want to hone their hunting skills, so as long as the game has something to do with the chase, your cat will be extremely happy.

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