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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cat Houses - Purchasing One For Your Feline Friend

By Jennifer Akre

Cats are funny creatures and they bring plenty of fun to their humans. Many humans enjoy watching their cats and one of the best ways to watch them is with the purchase of cat houses for them to play and lounge in.

Most are made to last and they have plenty of places where a cat can sit, sleep, climb and even smack things along the way. It is important to make sure that if you buy one, that it is something that your cat will enjoy using.

There are many different designs for these cat furnishings and they are made in a variety of materials. You will find that most of them are made out of red cedar or other cedar because it is the sturdiest wood for this purpose. You will also find that there are many different designs. Of course your cat doesn't really care about the design but the warmer and more interesting the one is, the better. It should have lots of places that your cat can climb into and out of so that it will appreciate your efforts at providing them with shelter and entertainment.

You can find cat houses for inside and outdoor cats. Of course they will be a little different and you will need different spaces for them. If you have more than one cat, you will want enough room in these furnishings for both cats to play, have their own sleeping space, and have plenty to do.

It is also a good idea to go with multi-level options because of your cat's natural need to explore and to climb. Within the walls of them, cats can do whatever they want -- this will keep kittens off your drapes! Always leave plenty of fresh water in them somewhere so that your cats will have access to it. If you aren't sure what type of to get you can always go online for ideas.

There are several reasons to buy them and one of the biggest is because you want to pamper your cat. They are a wonderful way to give your cat a space of their own. Yes, cat houses are great because they keep your cats occupied. If they are outside cats and they tend to roam, these furnishings can keep them in the yard. Sprinkle a little catnip in it and they will stay all the time. Just keep it refreshed regularly.

For indoor cats, cat houses will keep them occupied by giving them something to do. Cats get bored easily when they are young and they need something to explore. When they are older they need somewhere quiet that they can sleep. Warm and comfortable cat houses might be just what they need. When you have had cats awhile you know that their favorite thing to do is to cuddle and be cozy. They are the perfect places to do this and since they sleep most of the time, you will be able to find them when you need them.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of a wide variety of online specialty shop that offer both items and information on how you can easily furnish and decorate your space. Whether it's your living, bedroom, or even your deck or patio, there are many tips you can use to make those spots both functional and beautiful. Today, she offers advice on how to create a fabulous pet area by using charming cat furniture and delightful dog supplies to pamper your pet.



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