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Thursday, October 9, 2008

The 5 Painful Conditions of Poor Cat Urinary Tract Health

By Kate Rieger

Cat urinary tract health care remains one of the top challenges facing caring cat owners. Be on the lookout for the symptoms cats show when they have poor cat urinary tract health or other feline urinary tract disorder(FLUTD). You also have simple, natural remedies to include in your cat's daily diet that will reduce if not eliminate the chances of your cat experiencing the excruciating pain associated with urinary tract infection in cats.

You or someone you know probably has endured the human version of a urinary tract infection. There is an intense, persistent urge to urinate accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating. The urine has a strong odor and there may even be blood in the urine.

In the cat world, these symptoms are very similar except that progressed cases of urinary tract infection in cats can lead to a very painful death. Cats of any age may suffer from the disorder, but older cats are more susceptible. Another similarity to human UTI is that both female and male cats can suffer from poor cat urinary tract health.

In fact, male cats are more susceptible to one condition more so than female cats -- urinary stones.

5 Conditions of Poor Cat Urinary Cat Health

  1. Incessant licking in the genital area
  2. Blood in the urine
  3. Urinary(Bladder) stones also called uroliths
  4. Urethral obstruction
  5. Death

The only way your cat knows how to deal with an itch or burning sensation in his genital area is to lick and lick and lick. One clue to a urinary tract infection in cats is that you find urine on the floor, or on tile or in the bathtub -- really a blessing because you can see it.

Blood may be visible in the urine. However, if you don't see any blood that doesn't mean its not there. A trained eye using a microscope will note if there is blood in the urine.

Urinary stones are a huge reason to alert on changes in your cat's behavior pointing out urinary tract infections in cats. These stones are mineral crystals formed in the bladder.

When the stones leave the bladder they travel down the urethra tube to exit the body. The stones become lodged in the urethra and block the passage of urine. This problem occurs more in male cats than females as the male urethra tube is narrower. Smaller stones cause a blockage where the female's wider urethra allows the smaller crystals to pass through.

This is where time becomes a critical factor. If the stones aren't dislodged naturally or medically, your cat endures a painful death. You have 72 hours from the onset to deal with the stones. Unfortunately, your cat may not display symptoms for 24 to 48 hours.


It was once thought that certain minerals in cat food contributed to urinary stones. Bacteria can also lead to poor cat urinary tract health.

Today, veterinarians pay more attention to the ph level of the cat's urine. Ph is the measurement of the acid or alkaline level of the urine. Veterinarians recommend the ph level be around 6.0 to 6.5.


Ask your vet to check the ph level in your cat's urine.

Place clean, fresh water bowls throughout the house and outdoors so that water is very available to your cats. Provide smaller meals more frequently. Minimize major routine changes.

Make no mistake about it, you can help your cat stick to a simple, natural pet care program that promotes vital cat urinary tract health. There are a number of natural remedies available that are blends of herbs tested and proven to treat painful and chronic urinary tract infection in cats.

Kate Rieger has been owned by 15+ cats and is a champion of natural remedies for her own cats and her feral cat neighbors. While she would like to extend simple, natural care to every pet in the neighborhood, she takes it one animal at a time. Kate is on good behavior during her speaking engagements at various organizations where she spreads the word about natural alternatives to pet ailments. Drop by and pick up more free tips at and heal your cat today.



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