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Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Truth About Feline Seizures

By D Swain

Feline seizures are usually a symptom of an underlying disease. If a disease can't be definitively diagnosed, then your cat is said to have epilepsy. These seizures can be life-threatening if they last too long, usually over five minutes.


Most cats suffer from seizures due to a condition other than epilepsy. Two of the main causes include cancerous tumors and ingestion of toxic chemicals. There are also certain diseases that can make your cat start having seizures. Three of the most common include feline infectious peritonitis, leukemia virus, and immunodeficiency virus.


In order to determine the cause of feline seizures, your veterinarian will first have to do a complete neurological and physical examination. A blood test can also determine if your cat has one of the diseases mentioned above that can cause seizures. If a cause can't be determined from these tests, then advanced tests such as an MRI or spinal tap may be done. You should be aware that diagnosing the cause of your cat's seizures may prove to be very expensive.


If the veterinarian can determine a specific disease to blame, then he will attempt to treat it. This will usually be enough to prevent your cat from having more episodes. However, if an underlying disease can't be diagnosed, or your cat has epilepsy, then the veterinarian may prescribe your cat an anti-convulsant medication.


If your cat suffers feline seizures, there are a few things you should know. There is nothing you can do to stop a seizure once it starts. Don't try to shake or knock your cat to stop it. Unlike us, cats won't swallow their tongues during an episode. Therefore, you should never place your hand in your cat's mouth because you may get severely bitten. Also, you should try to determine how long the seizure lasts. If it lasts more than five minutes, you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Feline seizures can be life-threatening. However, there are many other serious diseases and conditions that may affect your cat in the future like feline Cushing's Disease and feline infectious peritonitis. So, stop by to learn about more of these other conditions.



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