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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kitten And-Or Cat Training Basics

By Roosevelt Purification

After you bring your cat home it is quite normal that you want him to do some tricks, make him sit down and basically make him do what a dog does. But the bad news is she is not a dog. A cat or kitten has her own way of living and sitting down is not one of them. They will always move around, eat, litter, play with you and basically have fun. But a dog on the other hand can be trained to do chores, be a good boy, and other fun stuff. If you are looking for super obedience, go get a dog.

Since you decided to bring a cat home, here are some of the things they will do and you must know this beforehand to properly train her. She will do many things to get your attention. In fact they tear up furniture, wake you up in the morning and litter nearby you just to get your attention. In order to rid of her bad habit and teach her the proper way of living in your house, you will have to adopt patience and teach him through experience.

Yes, a cat learns through experience. If you put her through a good experience she will repeat it but if it is a bad one she will avoid it. An experience that is good to her is when she wakes you up 5 in the morning. Normally you would find it cute, and praise her. Give her food, water and play with her. But in her mind, she's thinking "Oh Awesome, to get more good, and love I have to wake my dad up early in the morning." So, don't fall for this trap. If she bothers you early in the morning, don't wake up or wake up but don't show her too much affection.

Normally she will bug you in the morning because she doesn't get much attention during day or night. You can eliminate this problem just by having a regular play session with her. In the session basically give her treats, food, relax her by stroking or rubbing.

Do not punish a cat for any behavior. You will need to setup an experience for her. For example bring some toys around your furniture. When you see she's scratching the furniture just say "don't". As soon as she's playing with her toys give her a treat. You can also wrap aluminum around your furniture. Chances are she will not like it, and will attempt to play with her toys. As soon as she does praise her, give her treats.

Next you can easily predict when she needs to use the litter room, because you are in charge of when she's eating. Normally a cat would need to use the litter room after 15 minutes prior to eating. So, after 14 minutes you can just take your cat to the litter room. As soon as she cleans up give her treat, rub her and praise her like you never did yesterday. You will be surprised to see how effective this technique is.

Over all a cat is a very sensitive friend and demanding. She will do everything she can to get your attention. If you act rude with her she won't learn a thing but will repeat it over and over again. It is very hard to teach a cat how to do certain things if you can't catch her during the act. Spend a good amount of time monitoring her activities, and treat her when she does the right thing. Try your best to give a pleasant experience.

Roosevelt Purification is an enthusiastic pet lover. He loves his pets and loves to share his knowledge about them. Do check out his website for a wealth of information on pet training, cat training, dog training and puppy training.



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