Blog Archive

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cat House Training And What It Takes To Be Successful

By Jay Grey

Cats are clean creatures and are usually easy to train to use the litter box. Choosing the correct box, litter type, and being persistence in your house training process is critical for success.

The right litter box for the job is a must. The box must be big enough for your cat to maneuver in it. The cat should be able to perform a full turn easily inside the box. The box must be placed in an area where it is readily accessible by the cat but private and out of the way of foot traffic. Make sure it is not placed in a room that is closed off from the rest of the house by a barrier such as a door. If you have a large house you may want to invest in two boxes places strategically in different areas in your home.

Use enough kitty litter to allow your pet to scratch and cover her waste. Keep the box clean. Cats prefer a clean litter box and often refuse to use a dirty one. To make it easier to keep the box clean try using a clumping or scoopable type of litter material so solid and liquid waste is easily removed.

Pay close attention to your cat if it is not litter trained. By careful observation, you will notice your cat moving in a different manner and be able to anticipate when it needs to eliminate. When you notice the telltale signs, especially after a meal, pick up your cat immediately and take it to its litter box. If you catch your cat making a mistake, tell it "no" in a firm voice and place her in the box. With time your cat will recognize the use of the litter box.

Taking advantage of the fact that cats are clean animals will aid in the house training of your cat. Getting the right sized litter box, the correct litter, and being consistent will have your cat house trained quickly.

Jay Grey has owned and cared for his own pet cats for years. He is also owns and runs Cat Care Zone.
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