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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Will a Neutered Cat Spray?

By Gary Pearson

This is a burning question for many tom cat owners who are getting a little tired of their pet marking his territory in a rather sociably unacceptable way. If he is just a kitten and not started spraying, then the chances are that he never will. Intact older cats will spray to mark their territory to let others know that they should accept him as the boss and often it can be a sign of insecurity. Much of this is hormone related and once the tom has been neutered the problem will end. No more spraying!

That is the theory. The reality, however, is not always the same. Some cat owners that have had a problem with their tom spraying have had their cat neutered only to find that the problem has continued. So, how long will a neutered cat spray for?

The usual answer would be for around two weeks following their operation. This will allow time for the testosterone to leave their body. It is an idea to eradicate all signs of their previous spraying whilst they are quietly recovering from their operation. This way, when they are back on the feet the area will be fresh and they should have no desire to start spraying again. It is quite a traumatic time for your cat and you should try to give them extra affection so that they feel comforted and secure. This should help them to be a spray free cat! If after this time you find that you cat is still the same as before and nothing has changed with regard to his spraying habits, it may be that you have one of the exceptions to the rule. It may be that testosterone was not his only reason for spraying. So, why will a neutered cat spray?

If, after two weeks, your cat is still spraying, it may be due to a behavioural problem linked to insecurity. Do everything that you can to make your cat feel secure, especially if there are other cats in the immediate neighbourhood. Also try to keep a regular routine for him. Cats get comfort and security from routine, so always feed him at the same time for example. Also, make sure that his litter tray is kept clean and fresh and try to clean it at approximately the same time each day. Hopefully he will spray less and less. Keep the areas where he does spray very clean and odour free as this tends to discourage them from using it as a territory marking spot. It is difficult to answer "why will a neutered cat spray?", but more often than not it is just psychological and can be helped by behaviour therapy if necessary.

As you have discovered, there is no easy answer to the question "will a neutered cat spray?" The only answer really is probably, and hopefully not, but perhaps!

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about neutering cats visit Spay and Neuter Clinics Online for current articles and discussions.



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