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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cat Behavior - Cleaning Cat Urine

By Luke Blaise

Cleaning cat urine can be a frustrating experience. From the smell to the stain, it can be hard to remove from your carpet. Fortunately there are lots of products on the market, and even products you have at home that can help you clean up cat urine right now.

When you find an area of carpet that has cat urine on it, start by soaking up as much as you can. The hardest part is removing the urine from the carpet pad underneath the carpet. This pad holds onto the urine and is the source for most of the lingering smell.

To get the urine out of the pad lay a cloth down over the stain and place a heavy plant or some books on top of it. Using this weight helps us to get water down to the urine to try and dilute it. It is almost impossible to remove all this urine from the carpet pad but at least you can try and dilute it as much as possible. By diluting it you remove much of the odor source.

After you have done the soaking of the carpet pad with water, it is time to try and remove the stain, if there is one. If you don't have a commercial cleaner ready, try using white vinegar or dilute hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Whenever you try a new carpet cleaner, be sure to test a small area of your carpet, like behind the couch, just in case it damages your carpet.

Cleaning cat urine can be a frustrating job, but by going after the urine in the carpet pad, you can remove much of the odor. Now that the carpet is clean you have to find out why your cat is not using the litter box. This is where a good book on cat behavior is useful.

Get this great report NOW:

Solutions to Cat Behavior Problems



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