Monday, October 6, 2008

Identifying Urinary Tract Infection in Cats

By Einar Eskeland

What are the symptoms of reduced cat urinary tract health in general, and urinary tract infection in cats in particular? Urinary tract infection is slightly different in cats and dogs, though both conditions can be defined as bacterial build up and multiplication. By in large, cats are less prone to UTI than dogs, however, they also recover at a slower rate. Dogs are active by nature and careless in hygiene at least when compared to cats. Because of this cats drink less water than dogs, so part of the problem will be increasing your cat's water intake. A urinary tract infection in cats may involve a basic infection that slowly spreads throughout the body or perhaps urolithiasis, which is a condition where stones are formed from accumulation of crystals in the urine. If left untreated this condition could block the urinary tract making urination difficult or impossible. In this case, the cats life is at stake, and needs immediate veterinary attention and examination.

Obviously, if you notice your cat having difficulty urinating, this could be pointing to possible UTI or otherwise reduced overall cat urinary tract health. Most cats urinate in the night when they are at their most active. When dogs show signs of UTI, they usually over-urinate; cats are often the opposite in that they do not urinate enough. (However, over-urination is not a good sign either). Cats are more subtle creatures so you might have to take a closer look to notice excessive grooming of the genitalia, blood in urine and the cat's sudden tendency to urinate outside of the litter box.

While howling in pain is obviously a symptom of something wrong, remember that cats have a high pain tolerance and will not necessary cease all friendly behavior. A cat in pain may still eat, purr and snuggle just to get attention. Therefore, you have to take note of other symptoms even if the cat is not screeching in pain. Most cat owners have an elevated sense when it comes to detecting abnormal kitty behavior. Going with your instinct may be the best option, since no cat has ever been hurt by taking one extra trip to the vet for a consultation.

When urinary tract infection in cats is present, cats will tend to avoid urinating in the litter box. Why? Because as the cat experiences pain during urination, it is associating the experience specifically with the litter box. Hence, in the little kitty's mind, if it goes outside the little box, such as in a smooth bathtub or tile floor, then perhaps the pain will be lessened.

Treatment and Preventive Measures

When urinary tract infection in cats is apparent, then you must take your cat to the vet to get a professional diagnosis. Remember that if these symptoms are present in your cat, then it may actually have more conditions than just UTI alone. Don't conclude that just because you think it may be urinary tract infection that you can give the animal human dosage without a doctor's advice. It could bring about some harmful side effects.

What treatment is appropriate for urinary tract infection in cats? Homeopathic bladder infection treatment supplements may be helpful, as well antibiotic or anti-microbial medication. Homeopathic or holistic treatment may be advisable if the cat is sensitive to stronger medications. After administering immediate treatment, it will be important to increase the cat's water intake and increase the quality of its diet. Cheap cat food is out and so are dirty or chemical-infested water resources. Cats do not drink as much as dogs or other domestic animals so it's wise to think creatively when it comes to increasing your cat's liquid intake.

You can help your cat overcome urinary tract infection if you strive to make improvements in the pet's overall health. For more information on treatment for urinary tract infection in cats visit

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a norwegian medical doctor and homoeopath. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, evolution and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.



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