Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Guide to Cat Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

By Einar Eskeland

When was the last time you really gave serious thought to your cat's diet? Probably only when a problem has been reported. The truth of the matter is that most cat owners believe cat food manufacturers when they state that their product is healthy. However, a prolonged diet of high-carb, low quality cat food can actually lead to cat urinary symptoms. Bear in mind that besides bad dieting, there are other factors that may cause cat urinary tract infection symptoms like cat stress, cat obesity and even genetics. Most cats are affected by symptoms while in middle age. Nobody is for certain why cat urinary tract infection symptoms appear; all we know is that there are certain lifestyles and dieting behavior that tend to greatly increase the chance of feline UTI.

How do you know if your cat has a problem with urinary tract health? Only a veterinarian can diagnose this condition. He or she will make note of your observations and will perform a diagnostic test on the cat. This may include taking blood tests and urine tests and possibly a biopsy. At this point the vet will prescribe some antibiotic medication (usually through liquid drops) and insist that you change or slightly alter the cat's diet. Dry carb-rich kibble should be reduced while wet canned food should be increased.

However, the bigger question remains: how do I know if my cat has a problem with UTI? If you are reading this article then you probably already have a suspicion based on various cat urinary tract infection symptoms that you've seen or heard. The first of these cat urinary symptoms that you will notice will probably be problems with the litter box. Cats are most active at night and so urinate most often in nighttime hours. Therefore, when you start to see that your cat has stopped using its litter box and is urinating outside of it, you can take this as a probable sign. Another one of the most revealing cat urinary tract infection symptoms is that of visible or aural pain. Now this can be tricky, since most cats are very tolerant to pain and will eat, purr and snuggle no matter what they feel inside. Sometimes a cat meows loudly, but he or she may simply want some attention, so this is not necessarily indicative of a problem. On the other hand, if you actually witness visible or aural signs of pain during urination then this would be a very revealing sign. Additional cat urinary tract infection symptoms might include no evidence of urination at all, excessive grooming of genitals and blood in urine.

What is the significance of these urinary tract infection symptoms? Basically, when a cat starts to associate the litter box with pain, he or she will start to alter the location of urination. If you notice this problem do not ignore it, since it will only get worse and increase the size of your "litter area." Once you seek out a veterinarian and get the news you will have several options to consider. Don't avoid the vet thinking that the worst news is about to come. Remember that even if cats have UTI or related problems, they can still live for years on end, provided they get proper treatment. Proper treatment may include homeopathic bladder formula, or stronger antibiotics. The advantage of herbal alternatives is that they reduce the chance of side effects or complication because they are naturally based. Do your cat a favor and start shopping for quality food. Professional treatment and a lifestyle change are the best-recommended treatment for treating cat urinary tract infection symptoms.

To read more about how you may help your cat when suffering from cat urinary tract infection symptoms, go to this web site:

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a Norwegian medical doctor, and a yoga and meditation enthusiast since youth. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, evolution and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.



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