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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Feline UTI - Look For These 5 Telltale Signs of a Cat UTI

By Kate Rieger

Often feline UTI, or feline urinary tract infection, is mistaken as a behavioral problem with your cat. If you find your cat is urinating in odd places, or missing her litter box, she may be suffering from a cat UTI. Here are some tips for spotting this condition in your cat.

If you notice you cat is licking his genital area more often than usual you need to look for other signs of a feline UTI. Here are 5 telltale signs that your precious is suffering from a cat urinary tract infection.

1) He licks, and licks and licks in his genital area

2) He misses his litter box (more than usual)

3) He becomes withdrawn and doesn't participate in playtime

4) He starts biting or nibbling on his rear-end

5) He 'takes off' in a spastic episodes

Now if you experienced a UTI you knew it because you experienced a burning and itching in you lower tract. Its just the same for your cat - except he can only lick down there to sooth the discomfort.

He may be missing the litter box. Because he is experiencing a burning sensation when he urinates, his reaction is to stop and reposition himself and maybe even lick his genitals before finishing his potty. Whoops, he missed the inside of the litter box again.

He just feels miserable and is nervous about moving about once his itching settles down. While you try to entice him into playtime, he prefers to sit on the couch and stare at you.

When he is experiencing a feline UTI, he may resort to biting and nibbling his rear-end. You can probably relate to a similar desire to scrape at your crotch when you had a human UTI.

Statistically, dogs experience UTI more often than cats do. However, male cats experience feline urinary tract disorders, including feline UTI, more than female cats. It all has to do with the size of their urethra, the tube that carries the urine out of the cat's body. The male cat's urethra is narrower and more prone to blockage.

A cat suffering from a cat UTI needs human intervention. Now cranberry juice may have worked for your UTI, but your cat may also respond to natural remedies to treat a feline UTI. More vets are turning towards herbal solutions instead of traditional synthetic chemicals. Talk to your vet about using natural remedies for a feline urinary tract infection.

Just like cranberry juice or apple cider cured your human UTI, cats often get immediate relief using mixtures of herbs proven to clear up even the most toxic cases of feline UTI. By taking preventative action now, you can help keep your pet happy and healthy!

Natural remedies play a large part in maintaining wellness. After all, natural solutions cured your human UTI - they can work for a cat UTI too.

Better yet, help your cat stick to a simple pet health care program that actually prevents feline UTI. There are a several natural solutions you can find that prevent this painful and chronic problem in your cat.

Kate Rieger has been owned by 15+ cats and is a champion of natural remedies for her own cats and her feral cat neighbors. While she would like to extend simple, natural care to every pet in the neighborhood, she takes it one animal at a time. Kate is on good behavior during her speaking engagements at various organizations where she spreads the word about natural alternatives to pet ailments. Drop by and pick up more free tips at and heal your cat today.



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