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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Feline Health Tips - Three Easy Steps to Happy Cats

By Tim Whiston

Feline health is all about maintenance. This article will give you three easy steps for keeping your cat(s) happy and healthy on a long-term basis.

Cats are independent creatures in many ways. If you follow a few simple guidelines your feline friends will enjoy maximum health and a very long life.

Use the information below to formulate your own feline health care plan:

Feline Health Tip #1 Choosing The Right Food

It's critical that you feed your cats a high quality food product. You might save money by going with a dollar store brand of cat food, but the end result will be poor health and possible even complications.

A quality food will ensure optimal feline health by providing the proper nutrition. A good product like Science Diet, Iams, or Eukanuba will boost your cat's energy levels, give them a healthy, shiny coat, and support a strong digestive system.

Also, a higher-grade food will not contain the kind of fillers and junk found in low-grade stock. Such byproducts can cause digestion problems and sluggish performance over time.

Feline Health Tip #2 Providing A Cat-Friendly Environment

Feline health experts agree that cats living indoors full time live longer than cats that are allowed to go outside frequently. Obviously felines will encounter far fewer hazards in your home than they would when wandering the streets or countryside.

However, cats love being outside. So you may want to allow some outdoors time if you live a safe distance from a busy road and there are no free-roaming, aggressive dogs in your area.

Even cats that live inside can endanger themselves through their tendency to investigate unsafe areas. Go over your home as if you planned to childproof it to avoid problems that arise form curious felines.

Keep cleaning chemicals and other toxic materials locked away. Cats might be attracted to the sweet smell of cleaning solutions.

Also be sure any heating/cooling ducts are protected with the proper grates to prevent cats from getting stuck in the ductwork. And avoid leaving easy access to standing water in kitchen sinks or bathtubs.

Feline Health Tip #3 Cat Maintenance

It's a good idea to pay close attention to your cat's eyes, mouth, ears, and feet. Look for any liaisons, discharges, or other signs of injury or illness so you can prevent infection or serious complications resulting from their active lifestyle.

And be aware that cats are vulnerable to a whole range of dental, respiratory, and ear/eye complications. By keeping a close watch on any new developments or major behavioral changes you can stop an illness from becoming too serious.

Any changes in eating or drinking habits should be taken seriously. If a cat becomes disinterested in food or water or becomes unable to use the litter box contact your vet without delay.

These three very simple tips can help you keep your cat(s) happy and healthy for a very long time. These wonderful creatures rely on you to keep them healthy and safe, and diligence in this regard is a small price to pay for the companionship they offer.

For more easy, practical tips on keeping your cats in an optimal state of feline health be sure to visit the author's cat health care site now.



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