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Friday, October 24, 2008

Discovering Cat Urinary Tract Blockage

By Einar Eskeland

Let's face it, cat urinary tract blockage is not a pleasant experience-not for you, and certainly not for your cat! Everybody creature on earth is happier and healthier when it is regular. Essentially, when you have to deal with cat urinary tract blockage that means that your cat is suffering a blockage in the urethra, which is preventing normal urinary function. When a cat cannot urinate, there are far more serious issues than just an unpleasant sting. A cat's bladder is like a storage tank for unhealthy wastes that are cleared out of the body by the kidneys. When the membranous sac becomes full of waste, it will be passed out of the body through the urethra. As a matter of fact, this is the cat's only means of eliminating waste, toxins and other unhealthy substances. You can imagine then, the problems that can occur when cat urinary health has been compromised by blockage.

After cat urinary tract blockage begins, infection follows as well as inflammation. Prolonged infection and blockage can lead to death. However, this is not to say that problems with cat urinary health mean a death sentence. Some felines, if they are properly cared for after diagnosis, can still live for years on end. However, you should seek treatment for cat urinary tract blockage as soon as possible. Do not delay taking the cat to the veterinarian if you notice some alarming symptoms. Many cats of middle age, especially after a lifetime of consuming cheap dry cat food, will have cat urinary health problems.

How will the process go after diagnosis? Depending on the severity of the cat's condition, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, usually in the form of liquid drops. However, this is only for immediate treatment, and to reduce the infection. The most important step of treatment is still to come, and you must ensure that it is done. You must change the diet and lifestyle of the cat so as to encourage normal bodily function. The first directive will be to eliminate cheap dry cat food, which is very high in carbohydrates and actually contains "healthy" ingredients that a cat cannot easily digest and absorb. Most experts agree that as much wet food as a cat will eat, the better, since it contains higher protein levels and more water.

Water is especially important in treating cat urinary tract blockage, because the more water the cat has going through its system, the more efficiently its kidneys and bladder will function. When shopping for general cat food, make sure that it is high in protein, including some form of meat as the primary ingredient. Cats are not vegetarian, at least not the healthy ones, and they require high protein diets as well as specific ingredients that can only be found from meat sources. Your veterinarian may also recommend a diet that has been specially formulated to address cat urinary tract blockage or kidney problems.

Other Tips in Treating Cat Urinary Tract Blockage

Besides cat food, it might help to include berries into the cat's diet, since these fruits help the bladder to flow and actually have infection-battling properties. The more water you give your cat the better, so if you can get your cat to drink more water by putting chicken or beef broth into a cup of water, then that's worth a try. Rice and vegetables are also good for cats who are recovering from UTI. Additionally, look for products with Magnesium and a DL-Methionine amino acid, which helps to prevent crystal formation.

On the other hand, avoid giving the cat any by-products that could compromise its health like soybean meal, corn gluten meal, soy or wheat flour. Your cat may recover to near full strength if dieting is carefully observed.

To help your cat by getting to know more, please visit this web site:

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a Norwegian medical doctor, and a yoga and meditation enthusiast since youth. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, evolution and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.



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