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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Difference Between Semi Moist and Canned Cat Foods

By Paul Kramer

Semi moist foods, which typically come in packets, are essentially soft kibble. These foods are commonly more expensive than kibble. They usually contain dyes to make them more visually appealing to cat owners, and they almost invariably contain chemical preservatives.

Both dyes and preservatives have been linked to a number of health problems, including allergies and hyperactivity. Semi moist foods also tend to stick to the teeth and gums, promoting the development of tartar, and eventually, gum disease.

This type of food should not be the sole source of nutrition available to your cat.

What about canned foods? Canned, or wet, foods are more expensive than dry foods of equal quality. You pay for the can and the added cost of shipping the water in the food. For cats with certain medical conditions, including many senior cats, a good canned food is the best dietary choice.

On the other hand, a diet of just canned food can cause flatulence, bad breath, and soft, strong smelling stools. If your cat needs to eat canned food, pay special attention to her dental care to prevent tartar from building up and causing gum disease.

Cleanliness, which is always important, is critical if you feed canned cat food because it spoils quickly and attracts insects and rodents. A good commercial cat food will provide your cat with properly balanced nutrition, promoting her good health and longevity.

Poor quality commercial cat foods, though, contain questionable ingredients, including low quality proteins, excess fats, preservatives, dyes, and other chemicals, all of which have been linked to serious health and behavior problems.

Be a smart consumer because you and your cat will both be better off. Visit pet food report website to learn more about cat foods. This website is designed to help pet owners sort through all the information available about commercial cat foods, as well as addressing frequently asked questions.

It also assists pet owners in understanding food labels and provides additional information on ingredients, proper nutrition, and feeding guidelines.

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