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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Signs of a Pregnant Cat

By Ian Pennington

If you have an unspayed cat or kitten and you are not an experienced professional breeder, you would be wise to have her spayed so as to prevent any unwanted pregnancies. Should you think that she is fertile and has been in contact with an un-neutered tom, you will need to know the signs of a pregnant cat. It is not always immediately apparent that your cat is expecting kittens and the first sign that you may notice is that she is not going through her regular heat cycle. If this is the case, she is almost certainly pregnant.

One of the other signs of a pregnant cat which shows itself quite early is a noticeable difference in her nipples. They will become slightly swollen and take on a pinkness in colour. This is called 'pinking' as is quite normal. They should not be sore or inflamed. Your cat will probably become more hungry than normal and start to become more interested in her food. This is a natural instinct to provide nutrition for her growing litter.

As with humans, you cat may suffer from some morning sickness. Again this is one of the normal signs of a pregnant cat and, unless it becomes excessive, there is no cause for concern. By all means contact your veterinarian practice if you feel that this is causing any trauma or if you feel that your cat is becoming dehydrated or malnourished as a result.

If you have not spotted any of these signs and are still unaware that your cat is pregnant, a swollen abdomen by about the fifth week of her pregnancy may give you a definite clue. One of the other signs of a pregnant cat is possible behavioural changes. Just like humans, a cat will start preparing for the new arrivals and show signs of nesting. They may start looking for places to give birth. It is a good idea to see where she is checking out as they do have a habit of having their litter in some pretty strange places. It would be wise to have an idea what plans she has. It would be awful to shut a cupboard door whilst she is inside! Behavioural changes may also include an increase in her affection. You may find that she is closer to you and a little clingy. Give her plenty of attention as she may be feeling a little worried about the changes, especially if this is her first litter.

Once you have spotted the signs of a pregnant cat and you are confident with your diagnosis, it is not always necessary to take her to the veterinarian surgery. If you feel that she is strong and well and her pregnancy is moving along without any problems you will just need to make sure that she has plenty of good food and water and is happy and healthy. If you are at all concerned, take her to receive medical advice straight away.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about cat pregnancies, please visit Spay and Neuter Online for current articles and discussions.



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