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Monday, August 4, 2008

The Easiest Way to Train Your Cat in 4 Easy Steps

By Alan Thomas Jacobs

If you follow these 4 easy steps to training your cat to be obedient, then your cat will truly be a wonderful pet that anyone would love to have!

Step #1:Litter box training

Well obviously this is the first step in cat training. Your cat must know where the proper place is to do their business. One of the first signs that an untrained cat is about to pee or poop is they will start scratching the spot there standing on and purring. You will find that cats are far more difficult to break from using your floor for a bathroom then dogs. Contrary to what you may have heard previously. It's a common misconception. Learning how to reward a cat for a job well done that will speed the potty training process.

Step#2:Clawing furniture

Cats love to claw on things and play. If you don't have anything for your cat to play with then they will definitely find something to play with. Your couch,carpet,shoes,plants,electrical cords,etc. Get my point?

A cat scratching tree is a very fun thing that you can find at any pet store. There are all kinds of interactive toys for cats. If they start to claw at anything they shouldn't be then with a loud voice say "NO" cat's name. Be sure to call your cat by it's name often. He or she will know you're directing your command at them.

Step#3:Things to be careful of

Be careful to not leave any small Items laying around on the floor. Cats choke very easily. Try to keep all electrical cords well hidden if possible. Until your cat is properly trained to not mess with these things,he or she will not know right from wrong. Always be sure to not leave any defrosting meat laying out on a counter as the taste of blood can drive a cat crazy and ruin there diet. Also, do not leave a sink full of dishes setting in soapy water unsupervised as a cat will drink the water. Too much could be fatal.

Step#4:Proper care

Be sure to take your cat to the vet about every six months for a checkup. Feed your cat a mixture of dry and canned cat food as it will regulate their digestive system. Play with your cat often. Always show affection to your cat and they will mind you. If they act out usually it is a sign that their sick or something is wrong. Change out the litter in the box once daily, preferably after each movement. If you don't keep the litter box clean then your cat will look for a new spot to do their business. I would recommend using a scent free litter as some cats do have allergic reactions to the scented litter.

For complete step by step instructions on how to train your cat to be obedient then please visit



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