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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Choosing Names For Kittens

By Catherine Conway

It's exciting to bring home a kitten for the very first time. But even if you have everything your kitten needs--a place to sleep, a litter box, food, toys, water--you still need to think of a good name for her. It needs to be a special name that you'll enjoy using whenever you call her.

When picking names for kittens, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, kittens don't stay kittens forever. Kittens grow up to be cats, and if you don't bear this in mind, you might pick a name that your kitten outgrows. So you should think ahead and decide if you really want to name your kitten Tiny. Will you still be all right with this name if she grows up to be a 15 pound feline?

One way to choose a name is to consider your kitten's appearance. If you have a white kitten, you might name her something like Snow, Blizzard, Opal, Milky, or Vanilla. If you have a black kitten, your kitten's name might end up being Obsidian, Soot, or Raven. If you have an especially fluffy kitten, you might decide Fuzzy is the best name.

You could also take your kitten's personality into account. Is your kitty shy and nervous around other people? Perhaps you should name her Ghost or Mouse. Is your kitten in the habit of dashing around the house at top speed? Maybe her name is Flash or Speedy. Does your kitten demand attention and do goofy things? She might be a Clown or a Ham.

If you prefer something more dignified, you could name your kitten after famous people in history. An especially intelligent or dignified cat might be well suited with a name like Plato or Aristotle. Or you might prefer to lift names out of famous works of fiction, such as Juliet or Sherlock Holmes.

Other possibilities might occur to you in a sudden flash of inspiration. If your kitten has a strange fondness for black olives, you might decide Olive is the best name for her.

It's up to you to decide what name is best for your kitten; there is no right or wrong way when it comes to choosing names for kittens. Just take your time, get to know your kitten, and you'll soon pick the perfect name for her.

Catherine L. Conway is a freelance writer who adores cats. If you want to learn more about choosing names for kittens, be sure to visit her site at



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